Here's the second half of the Golnir hex map from yesterday. Go here for Part 1.
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033.004: A cave here leads to a village of arachne, or spider-people (stats of a drider, but in the Lunar Lands, these are their own race, as drow do not exist). They survive on hunting beasts of the forest and have set numerous traps in the area to snare their prey. If any humans got caught in there, they wouldn't have any qualms about eating them too.
033.014: The village of Hylos. The people here fish on the Pserapis River, but recently, a woman named Despoina murdered her husband and dumped his body into the river. A fish swallowed his wedding ring - and one of the fishermen has just caught it...
033.017: The village of Sekonis. Lately, the headman's daughter ran away from home, and he fears for her safety. In truth, she ran away to marry a dryad in the nearby woods.
033.019: A druidess named Polyxene lives in a hut here. She spends her time brewing potions, and will be happy to sell them to someone who can provide her with the ingredients she needs.
033.027: This lake is home to a naiad who will abduct people she deems more beautiful than her out of jealousy if they sleep by the shore.
034.006: A woodcutter lives in this hut. He carries an axe that can cut through anything, even stone and metal, as easy as it were wood, but has no idea of its true properties, as he's only ever used it on trees.
035.007: This cave opens to a vast underground lake. Local rumors speak of gigantic tentacled beasts that dwell within its waters.
035.011: The town of Syphos. A local Old Faith cult that worships an ancient snake god has been growing in power, and the Pantheonists fear that they may soon overtake them.
035.016: The village of Philaeton. Its people are great makers of boats, which they use to supply fishermen on the nearby lake.
035.023: The Monastery of Saint Antonis, a monastery devoted to Marseah. It offers respite for travelers - as long as they're willing to sit through the monks' long and boring sermons.
035.026: The city of Rhemos. It is home to a renowned sculptor named Karolos, whose work has become so skilled and so lifelike his latest statue has come to life.
036.013: The Abbey of Saint Crysanthe, a convent devoted to Voltan. The nuns here live a strictly regimented and austere life, and there are many hermitages here set aside for visiting ascetics. Those who stay here shouldn't expect comfortable accommodations.
036.015: The village of Therase. A general named Theodoros Kontos has been hiding out here after his forces were defeated in a recent rebellion against Lord Niketas (see hex 036.021); he feels he will be persecuted by the victors if discovered.
036.019: The village of Phelake. A stylite named Helene has taken up residence on a pillar a short distance away, and the townspeople go to her for spiritual guidance.
036.021: This castle belongs to Lord Niketas Pantokrastor. He rules his subjects in the area with an iron fist and will not tolerate dissident, often holding executions in the public square to make an example of those who would oppose him.
037.025: The ruined Fedreline city of Aphinae. It was old even in Fedreline times, and many cities were built on top of it through the ages, resulting in a vast, many-layered complex of chambers and ruins.
037.031: The village of Lykherion. Several of the town's elders belong to a cult of werewolves. Though they have sworn an oath to use their powers to protect their people, sometimes the hunger gets to them...
038.018: A cult of wild women gather at a stone circle in a grove here. They observe rites where they enter a primal state and have been known to tear men and beasts apart with their bare hands.
038.023: The village of Kamerios. The temple here was built centuries ago by the Fedrelines, and some say there are still untold relics buried deep in its vaults.
039.007: A ruined Fedreline fort sits on a hill here. A roc has taken it for a nest, and its gigantic eggs are stored within the crumbling walls.
039.014: The Monastery of the Holy Mother, a monastery devoted to Marseah. The monks here are trained as paladins to go out into the world and carry out Marseah's wishes, defending the distraught and promoting peace and hospitality.
039.020: The Abbey of Saint Alexandra Archealos, a convent devoted to Torvald. The nuns here are tasked with blessing and performing upkeep on watchtowers and guard posts along the road to ensure it is patrolled against criminals.
039.029: The city of Khryseos. The local baron has promised a handsome reward to anyone who can slay a wyvern sighted in the mountains, and an even greater one to anyone who can bring the beast back alive.
040.000: A tribe of Iron Orcs live here. They control a tunnel through the mountains that leads to Taldameer, and some smugglers have taken to dealing with them to escape oversight.
040.003: Atop this mountain is a shrine to Taran, the god of thunder, lightning, and wind. Its slopes are treacherous, but one who can brave the mountain to make an offering at the shrine will gain the favor of Taran himself.
040.022: The town of Nitria. It is home to a powerful guild of thieves, and stolen goods may be bought and sold here if you know the right people to ask.
040.033: The House of the Sacred Abacus, a monastery devoted to Nehalennia, the goddess of trade and commerce. The main route through the Cloudbreaker Mountains, and into Quel'Ahma, passes through here, and traders from both directions are encouraged to make a donation for good fortune.
041.026: The town of Kalpae. A recent shipment of marble pilfered from the ruins at hex 042.028 also included a Metal Man stowed away, and now the creature lays dormant, but will not hesitate to awaken if disturbed.
042.011: This castle belongs to Duke Pantaleon Thasoros, who has dominion over much of the Thasos Mountains. He holds audiences with the kings of the dwarven holds (see hexes 046.012 and 048.016), who regularly make the journey here to showcase their peoples' masterpieces.
042.017: This cave is home to a family of trolls who prey on shepherds and their flocks in the mountains. Just outside is what appears to be a crude stone statue; this is in fact their youngest child, who was caught outside in the sunlight and turned to stone.
042.023: This castle belongs to Lord Ganymedes Demetrios. He has exploited his castle's strategic location in the mountains to extort travelers, demanding tithes from all who pass and besetting them with catapults if they refuse to pay up.
042.028: The ruined Fedreline city of Erythreon. Many from the nearby cities come here to obtain marble for masonry - or other treasures the Fedrelines may have left behind.
043.029: The village of Kamanderos. The people here traded with the elves of the woods to the south (see hex 043.030), but when the local lord's son turned up dead in the woods, relations have soured. In reality, the boy merely died in a hunting accident.
043.030: A tribe of elves live here. They did business with the people of Kamanderos (see hex 043.029), but with negotiations becoming increasingly strained, the elves have begun to prepare for conflict.
043.033: This camp is home to the Harutyunyan Caravan, a clan of Caravan People who have come up from Quel'Ahma. They supply and trade with other caravans heading north, citing themselves as the largest Caravaneer settlement north of the Cloudbreaker Mountains.
044.013: The village of Thyrea. It is located in a narrow valley, and the people have established storehouses and redoubts in the cliffside caves, allowing them to retreat there if the village is attacked.
044.020: This castle belongs to Lord Iapetos Chlorostes, a vassal of Count Theophiles (see hex 049.019). He has been conspiring against the Count, and has been working on inciting rebellion among his subjects to aid him in seizing power.
044.025: The city of Pylithopon. Regarded as a center of culture and artistry, it is home to many esteemed poets and artists. To perform in Pylithopon is one of the greatest honors for any bard.
045.002: A tribe of elves live here. They are fiercely protective of their forest home and will kill any intruders on sight, and they know the woods well, using stealth to their advantage to sneak up on their targets before they see them coming.
045.008: This cave is home to a family of stone giants. They often play catch with boulders among the cliffs - and sometimes, if they drop these rocks, they rain down on the ground below.
045.032: The village of Kanysion. It was built on the ruins of an ancient Fedreline tomb, and now the ghost of a long-dead nobleman haunts the grounds at night. He tries to warn the people to get off his land and let him rest in peace, but as none of the simple country folk here speak Old Fedreline, they have no idea what he's trying to tell them.
046.012: The dwarven city of Ebbumodum. The dwarves here believe themselves to be the greatest of architects, and insist that the Fedrelines merely copied their work. They do not take well to being belittled.
046.024: The Monastery of the Horn, a monastery devoted to Eostre. The monks spend most of their time in the fields growing crops, believing that the labor of the harvest brings them closer to the gods. Their most prized possession is an enchanted cornucopia, which can produce endless amounts of food and drink.
046.030: This castle belongs to Lady Elpida Notios. She is happy to offer hospitality to fellow nobles, but spurns the common folk, and will insist they find a barn to stay in instead.
047.017: This guard tower is an outpost of the Golniri crown. Its official purpose is to watch the road to keep travelers safe from bandits...though, unofficially, it also helps to keep an eye on the schemes of rival nobles.
047.018: The Monastery of Saint Admetos, a monastery devoted to Torvald. The monks here live atop a tall mountain, rarely descending to make contact with the outside world. They may offer blessings to those who seek them out, but the journey there is a grueling and arduous one.
047.025: The town of Ouasinion. It is the site of a festival to Kord every few years, where the greatest athletes from throughout Golnir compete to determine who among them is the strongest.
047.027: The city of Hieromera. It is built on vast Fedreline ruins, and the catacombs extend beneath the waters of the nearby lake. It is said that the people here angered the gods, who caused the waters of the lake to rise and wash them away.
048.016: The dwarven city of Ubekzak. The tops of the mountains here have been carved into towers and castles, where the nobles dwell.
048.032: A hermit named Eustathios lives on the side of a mountain here. He charts the stars and interprets their course to try and foretell the future based on his calculations - and he warns of disaster to come.
049.019: This castle belongs to Count Theophiles Basileos, a powerful nobleman. His scouts know the routes through the Thasos Mountains well, and will be happy to provide them to trusted allies.
050.009: An old stone circle sits in the middle of a valley here. Twice a year, when the setting sun is lined up through one of the arches, it casts its light on a site where 3,904 GP's worth of gold and jewels is buried.
050.024: The village of Khosapes. Its people are being extorted by a band of goblins living in the mountains, who threaten to bury it beneath an avalanche if they are not appeased.
051.003: The village of Ioppe. It is inhabited by halflings who live a self-sufficient life here, seemingly free of worries. One of them, Pyhrros, has just obtained a bag of beans from a traveling magician, believing it will grant him great fortune.
051.021: The village of Daphanon, famed for the Rocks of the Gods. See here.
051.026: The Abbey of the Holy Basin, a monastery devoted to Mimir. It is in possession of a great bronze basin from Fedreline times that can produce holy water spontaneously, which they use to bless pilgrims.
052.013: This fortress belongs to a gang of bandits known as the Jagged Blades, who have built it on the site of an abandoned Fedreline fort. It boasts many traps and hidden passages to guard their loot.
052.019: The dwarven city of Evudkassol. Once it lay in ruins, lost in a war against goblins, but the dwarves have just recently managed to reclaim it. They have still yet to fully settle its halls, and do not know what all of its vaults hold.
053.030: The village of Pyrenos. Secretly, the people here worship demons, using profane rites inscribed on stone tablets they found in the ruins at 056.030.
054.007: The village of Borykinon. The people here are noted hunters, and they make offerings to the local shrine of Kerne for protection against the beasts of the wild - as long as the altar is anoited with offerings of animal blood.
054.029: The Convent of Saint Paraskeve Hieronymea, a convent devoted to Marseah. It is located on an island in the lake here, only accessible by ferry. Many pilgrims come here to obtain blessings from the nuns here, which are said to be able to heal any illness or affliction.
055.012: The city of Leandron. The local temple possesses a sacred sword that bursts into flames when an incantation is spoken. Many a warrior would covet it, but the priests insist that they must hold it until its rightful owner presents themselves.
055.032: An abandoned mine sits here. Its workers were all wiped out by toxic gas, and pockets of it still remain in the bowels of the earth.
056.005: The village of Mendaeos. A nereid lives in the river near the town, and has lured a few of the villagers to drown them.
056.015: This castle belongs to Baron Aethros Telesphore. The Baron is an ambitious man who wishes to expand his influence, and he believes that establishing himself as the rightful claimant of the sword of Leandron (see hex 055.012) will do this. The priests do not believe him to be its chosen wielder, but if he could get a hold of the sword, he could make it look like he is...
056.020: The village of Hydraspos. Its blacksmith has studied with the dwarves, and knows the coveted secrets to creating magic items.
056.030: A ruined Fedreline temple sits here. The priests here, in the waning days of the Empire, turned to the worship of demons, and to this day, the boundary between this world and Hell is weak here, making demons easier to summon. Any Conjuration spells cast here are treated as though they were cast with a spell slot one level higher than what was actually used.
057.001: The city of Dascaros. It is a powerful center of commerce, and its merchants are well-traveled, knowing many routes through Golnir and other lands.
057.010: The village of Gythieon. Many of the townspeople feel as though the nobility have failed them, and they secretly take up arms as bandits to support their families.
058.022: The village of Dekelia. It is built over a sizeable vein of gold, but the people are unaware of it. However, they have begun laying the foundation for some new buildings, and are digging close to it...but a clan of dwarves living in the caverns beneath have already laid claim to the gold as their own.
059.004: The city of Taumenion. A noted school of the mystic arts is located here, with many of Golnir's elite coming here to study magic.
059.016: The Monastery of the Roads, a monastery devoted to Meili, the god of roads and travelers. The monks here operate an inn where wayfarers can rest, and post maps of the region on the walls.
059.018: The city of Strymondes. A recent excavation has uncovered a few dormant Metal Men, which are on display in the marketplace as a curiosity.
059.025: The ruined Fedreline city of Leigrea. The ghosts of its inhabitants still walk the streets at night, unaware that they are dead.
060.012: The village of Karia. A mysterious holy man has arrived in town, preaching that he is a chosen agent of the gods and that a great disaster is about to befall the village. The townspeople write him off as a madman, but is he on to something?
060.014: The town of Tanesos. An archery contest is held here every year; the winner is granted the favor of the local lord, and some through the years have become generals in his army.
060.024: The village of Koris. Recently, a woodcutter in town unknowingly felled a sacred tree, and now the trees and shrubs outside have been terrorizing people, seeking vengeance.
062.000: The village of Helike. A secluded woodcutting community, the people rarely make much contact with the outside world, but that may change when a ghoul in the woods has begun to pick off the villagers one by one, and no one knows what to do...
062.010: The village of Berolon. A merchant came through here a while ago and mysteriously disappeared, only to turn up weeks later apparently unharmed. Unbeknownst to the people, however, he is possessed by a demon, and has plans to spread havoc through the town.
062.020: The village of Spherkaios. The town innkeeper, Kyrene, has a cousin in Kaustros (see hex 065.019) who borrowed money from her, but hasn't returned it. He has, in fact, gone off to answer the riddle of the sphinx in hex 067.020, but never returned.
062.024: A hermit named Phoibos Barbatos lives in this hut. He was once a master swordsman in his youth, and is looking for a worthy successor to pass his teachings on to.
062.027: The village of Hykarion. The village is dealing with an infestation of ankhegs, and several farmers have been forced out of their fields by the beasts.
062.029: The Monastery of Saint Alexandros, a monastery devoted to Kerne. The monks here are pacifists; they only pray for the safety of the armies in battle and maintain an infirmary for the wounded, but do not take up arms themselves.
062.032: A tunnel in the mountains here leads to a hidden valley, where the bones of a long-dead dragon still watch over its hoard. Many have tried to find the valley, but none have succeeded.
063.006: The town of Antikaea. The lord, Endre Thorbenson, is a Vardessian Swordbrother who pledged his service to a Golniri master under the custom of hiring barbarians, and was granted a fief of his own for his service.
063.014: The city of Rhomylia. The old city was enclosed by Fedreline walls, which still stand today; graffiti on one wall points to the location of buried treasure.
063.017: This mine belongs to the duke of Rhomylia (see hex 063.014), and is staffed by slaves, most of them captives of a failed coup attempt. They are disgruntled with their treatment and plotting a revolt.
064.023: The village of Kerasmos. A rustic hill settlement, most of the people here have at least some orcish blood in their veins, in part due to the village's seclusion keeping the gene pool narrow.
064.029: The village of Theodoses. The villagers are in the process of constructing a castle for Dame Melete Gregoriou, a knight who has recently inherited the land. She is proud to step into her new role as authority over the area, even if the townspeople are skeptical of her intentions.
065.013: The village of Sigeon. The people are under siege by the armies of a rival noble to the east disguised as bandits, and await relief from Rhomylia (see hex 063.014)
065.019: The village of Kaustros. The people here know of the sphinx at hex 067.020, and many have set out to try and answer its riddle, though none have returned.
065.033: This castle belongs to Duke Demophon the Strong-Armed, a powerful noble. Staunchly loyal to the Queen, he controls the strategic pass into Quel'Ahma, with his fortress wedged into a narrow gap in the cliffs to control a chokepoint.
066.017: A stone circle sits on a mountainside here. It has become the nest of a flock of harpies, who stash the pecked-over bones of their victims here.
066.026: The village of Physeos. The people here revere a dryad named Avra, who has so bewitched them with her beauty that they refuse to leave the woods and will follow her every whim.
067.009: The village of Nemes. An enchanted helmet with the power to allow its wearer to see around corners and through walls lies at the bottom of a pond here.
067.020: A ruined Fedreline fort sits here. It has been taken over by an androsphinx named Kosmas the Old, who offers to grant a wish to whoever can answer his riddles.
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