Thursday, October 24, 2024

Heralds and Hounds

The Vardessian Crownlands are a wealthy, well-settled, and castellated land, one with a long history of noble traditions, where feudal authority is close at hand from both the Emperor and several powerful counts that serve him. It is only fitting that there would be a number of knightly orders headquartered there, many of which derive great prestige from their proximity to the Emperor. In fact, two of the most prominent play an important role in the Emperor's court.

The Imperial Heralds are the more famous of the two. This is by design. They make up the elite ranks of the Emperor's personal army, and are tasked with serving as his bodyguard. All of them bear gleaming armor and ride white horses meticulously bred for their strength, speed, and grace, and when they flank the Emperor's entourage, it is a sight that commands respect for his authority over the realm. Even in times of peace, the Heralds serve their use as a tool of propaganda, projecting the Emperor's wealth and power through his ability to maintain and equip such fine warriors.

Art by dashinvayne
The Heralds are not merely for show, though. They are a capable fighting force all their own, and the Emperor trusts only the finest knights of Vardessy and beyond to serve in his personal guard. They are expert swordsmen, chosen for their bravery and skill, and some even know magic. In addition to guarding the Emperor, Heralds are tasked with missions to deal with threats to the Empire itself and serve in leadership positions on the battlefield.

To be chosen for the ranks of the Imperial Heralds, a knight must have proven themselves with great and valiant deeds. As such, every member already has a respectable career behind them by the time they are granted admission to one of the order's castles; they serve a term of two years, during which they accept orders from the court and display the arms of the Heralds in place of their own heraldry. Every Herald is hand-picked by their Grandmaster, Heimnet von Krause, an ancient man who makes his selection based on the visions granted to him by Voltan. Occasionally, his visions lead him to choose warriors who are not yet knights, and though these choices have been controversial, he insists that Voltan's will cannot be contested. The current Knight-Commander, Matilda of Apelhof, was one such selection - she was a low-born mercenary regarded as crude of character and devoid of manners, though a respected warrior on the battlefield. Although many knights and courtiers alike doubted her capabilities when her station was announced, she dedicated herself to the cause that Voltan willed for her, and demonstrated herself to be well worthy of the honors, leading to Harald IV choosing her for a permanent position in the leadership of the Heralds' fighting force.

Art by Insist

However, the Empire has other machinations where the Heralds would be too formal, or their presence too conspicuous for the task at hand. For this, there exist the Hounds of the Emperor - the secret police of the Vardessian crown. They are tasked with any purposes it would be unseemly for the Empire to directly get involved in - clandestine dealings, espionage, intimidating political rivals, and, if necessary, making them disappear.

Officially, the Hounds are not spoken of. Their entire existence is somewhat of an open secret. Their exact number or membership is unknown; many of them adopt cover identities as monks, or dignitaries in foreign courts, but work to further the Emperor's goals behind the scenes. There even exist entire monasteries that are fronts for the Hounds, keeping suspicion away while their members train.

Their typical operations involve keeping a close eye on anyone who may become a threat - or an asset - to Imperial authority, and steering things in the right direction to ensure the Emperor's aims are furthered. Harald IV has made use of the Hounds in his pursuit of cementing his waning authority, but they are a powerful faction in their own right, and their loyalties are not guaranteed. There have been rumors that more than one Emperor who died in a hunting accident was in fact assassinated by his own Hounds because they favored the heir to the throne.

However, there are also times where a more direct approach is favored. The Emperors of Vardessy have not been above using the threat of the Hounds to frighten the nobility into compliance. When the orders are given, they don menacing black armor and ride massive destriers, setting fire to entire villages and laying waste to anything in their wake. Those who witness their devastation liken the Hounds to the knights of Hell itself - and that is an image that the Emperor is happy to cultivate.

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