Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Golnir Hex Map, Part 1

It's time for another hex map, this one covering the western part of Golnir. This one is looking to be another two-parter, so expect the second half tomorrow.

Each hex equals six miles.

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002.025: A pair of cyclops brothers live on this island. They have been known to prey on sailors who come too close to shore, but they bicker between each other and can easily be outwitted.

003.025: This island contains extensive underwater caves, in which live a clan of sahuagin that raid nearby ships and settlements.

004.018: The town of Mikromon. It is a major port on the Great South Sea, and one where foreign traders from all over can be found - many of whom are looking for work, if they can find a well-paying benefactor.

005.023: A lone hermit lives on this island. He has grown paranoid of outsiders; if anyone sets foot on shore, he will believe them to be demons trying to lead him astray from his meditations.

005.027: The village of Dodonia. It is built on the cliffs going down to the shore - and as of late, a number of villagers have gone missing; they are being abducted by the sahuagin from hex 003.025 under the cover of night.

006.015: This castle belongs to Duchess Euboia Katsarou, who watches over the border with Golnir. The Duchess is in possession of a magic ring of Fedreline origin, which lets her read the thoughts of others - something that she prizes in the cutthroat world of Golniri politics.

006.018: The village of Bilios. A Fedreline ruin is located not far from the town, and the locals often retrieve the stonework for construction. Sometimes, they dig up stranger artifacts, and rumor has it that one of the Metal Men of Golnir has been seen lurking close by, as though searching for something in town.

006.020: The city of Trithorion. It is controlled by the powerful Count Pertheos Gennaidios, who uses its status as a wealthy center of trade to line his coffers. The merchants here struggle under the burden of his heavy taxes and strict regulations.

006.034: The town of Meselina. Owing to its proximity to Quel'Ahma, many traders from that land stop here on voyages. In fact, word around the marketplace claims that a lamp containing an imprisoned genie has been smuggled here.

007.024: The island of Euneos. The trees here produce a resin with potent healing properties; it is worth its weight in gold on the market, and stealing it is punishable by death.

007.031: The Monastery of Saint Nikomachos, a monastery devoted to Voltan. The monks here keep extensive records of laws from the royal court, and are often called upon by villages in the area to settle disputes.

008.021: This guard tower holds a store of Golniri fire. It is kept closely guarded to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

008.028: The Abbey of Her Esteemed Knowledge, a convent dedicated to Seidra, the goddess of magic. Their libraries contain many tomes of arcane lore, but the convent is protected by a maze of invisible and illusory walls, making it difficult for outsiders to navigate.

009.019: The city of Maltherios. It is the center of the cult of Mimir, the god of knowledge, and contains the largest library in the known world, where monks and nuns tend to copies of every text available to them. They consider it important to have a comprehensive inventory of the world's knowledge, and will welcome adding any texts to their collection, no matter how insignificant.

009.029: The village of Leukosia. The people here pay homage to a shrine where a great stone head, believed to be from a colossal Fedreline statue, pronounces prophecies.

010.023: The city of Magnesia. It possesses enchanted bronze gates that can seal themselves shut on command, making the city virtually impenetrable in a siege.

010.038: The village of Terbuel. Originally a stopover for caravaneers, it has grown into a large market, and many caravans still frequent it to this day to sell their wares. All sorts of things may be found here, but the selection changes from day to day.

011.014: A ruined Fedreline temple sits in a valley here. At its center is the statue of an ancient god clutching a massive ruby; if the gem is removed from the statue, it will trigger an avalanche upon the would-be thieves.

011.020: The village of Iora. A hunter here has seen the ruins at hex 012.019, but was wounded by an orcish arrow before he had the chance to investigate any further. He warns any travelers to stay away from the site.

011.024: The village of Akisenes. A blind hermit named Straton lives here; he was once a commander in the Queen's army, but was blinded for his loyalties to the nobles who plotted a failed coup, despite the fact that he wasn't involved in any of the planning. He still holds a grudge over this.

011.025: A golden chain stretches across the Bay of Kings, and one end is moored at this shrine. It is said that as long as the proper rituals are performed here each day, Lygos will never be attacked by water. Though peace has lasted in Golnir for generations, the priests here still attend to the rituals - it's better safe than sorry.

011.026: The village of Kymea. The other half of the golden chain across the Bay of Kings (see hex 011.025) is moored here; the locals believe that touching it will grant good fortune.

011.027: The city of Pallene. It is renowned for its great market of horses, which happens twice a year; anyone looking to buy a worthy steed would be well served to look here, if they know how to navigate the haggling that goes on.

012.019: A Fedreline ruin sits here, long since overtaken by the woods. It has become occupied by a tribe of orcs and goblins, who use it as a camp to raid from.

012.026: The city of Lygos, the esteemed capital of Golnir, renowned for its great wealth. See here.

013.024: The city of Sintheon. Its Fedreline amphitheater is still in use today to host plays, parades, and other events - something that its master, Lord Tychon Stephanidis, takes full advantage of to boast of his wealth and power, even though he has little sway in the grand scheme of things.

013.029: The town of Henomenai. It controls a silver mine in the area, which has granted it great wealth - but the local cult of Torvald has been looking to take control of the enterprise, as silver is the god's sacred metal. Do they want it for their sacraments, or are their interests more mercenary?

014.013: This tower belongs to the wizard Galen of Karinopolis, who has taken up residence in the ruins of a Fedreline fort in order to study the stars. The locals revere him for his power, but he finds them a nuisance and would rather just be left alone.

014.014: The village of Adramytion, the largest of the secluded settlements along the Rhithia River. There are a number of Fedreline tombs near the town, and some of them are still haunted by the spirits of those buried there.

014.027: The Hall of the Holy Dead, a monastery devoted to Morthanos. Many kings and saints are buried here, and pilgrims come here to seek blessings from their sacred remains. Of course, many of them are also buried with great fortunes...

014.035: The city of Akhtaris. An independent Quel'Ahman city-state, it is largely secluded from the rest of the world due to its location in the mountains, but provides a place for travelers going between Golnir and Quel'Ahma to restock their supplies before crossing the treacherous Cloudbreaker Mountains. The local sultan, Usama ibn Firouz al-Zaman, is an isolationist who distrusts outsiders, but his courtiers have been persuading him to open up.

015.10: The village of Zabatos. It is primarily inhabited by halflings who burrow into the sides of the hills here, avoiding conflict. One enterprising family, the Giannis, have established a ferry into Taldameer, but their neighbors regard them with suspicion for their willingness to deal with the outside world.

015.023: This castle belongs to Countess Enyo Nektariou, who commands a fierce army. She is very strict about banditry, and the road here displays the heads of many brigands placed on pikes to serve as a warning.

017.021: The town of Plathiana. It possesses a large temple to Torvald, in which demons have been sealed away in the depths of its vaults.

017.028: The town of Therme. It is built above a system of underground hot springs that many travel to for their healing properties. The springs also connect to a nearby cave system, which in turn opens to the World Beneath.

017.031: This cave is home to a manticore. Several small villages nearby have been completely deserted, as the locals have fled the beast.

018.012: A ruined Fedreline fort sits here. It is still guarded by a patrol of Metal Men, who do not realize their masters are long dead and follow their orders in keeping outsiders away.

018.020: The village of Moeria. It is a vassal of Mesalopolis (see hex 023.019), but due to the distance from its master, it has of late been courted by the baron of Daskylion (see hex 020.018), who wishes to win the townspeople to his side. Conflict between the two cities may be inevitable.

018.023: The village of Termera. Lately, an itinerant philosopher named Andreas of Akisenes has taken up residence here, loudly preaching to people that they allow themselves to be pawns of fate and don't realize their own destiny. The people find him tiresome and wish he would leave.

018.031: The city of Phorinae. There has of late been an influx of refugees fleeing the manticore at hex 017.031, and the local lord is growing overwhelmed with the need to accommodate so many people.

020.018: The city of Daskylion. It is ruled by Baron Iapetos Galenios, an ambitious man who plans on expanding his domain to raise his status in the political sphere. He is seeking accomplished (and easily manipulated) individuals to help advance his cause, hoping that associating with such heroes will win him more clout.

021.009: A village of orcs lives here. They are in possession of a magic javelin that can return to its owner after being thrown, obtained by a storied warrior in a raid long ago.

021.029: The city of Orikon. It has been inhabited since Fedreline times, and many buildings still sit in ruins - with their vaults yet unplundered.

022.015: The village of Khalnia. It is built around an enchanted fountain that always produces cool, clean water, and has as long as anyone can remember.

023.008: The Abbey of Saint Kleonike, a monastery devoted to Solenna. One of the monks here is in fact the long-lost heir to the throne of Golnir, abducted as a baby and sent to the monastery by political rivals when he was born on a date foretold by prophecy to mark the birth of a great king. The scheming nobles, afraid that he could prove harder to control than the Queen, saw fit to get rid of him before he claimed the throne.

023.019: The city of Mesalopolis. It is built on both sides of the Pserapis River, joined by a great Fedreline bridge, and controls much trade along the waterway. Rumor has it that there are hidden vaults inside the bridge that conceal treasures.

023.027: The village of Karyos. The shrine maiden here is known as a wise oracle, and people travel from afar to hear her prophecies - always delivered in riddles.

024.010: This castle belongs to Count Philippos Antipatros, a nobleman known for his love of feasting and revelry. He will gladly entertain guests, particularly those who can boast of heroic deeds - though his courtiers would wish he took his duties more seriously.

024.013: The town of Physcos. At its center is a great pillar said to have been placed there by Kord, the god of strength. Every year, a festival of feats of strength is held here, which always culminates in an attempt to move the pillar, but none have been able to do so. It is said that only one favored by Kord may perform such a deed.

024.023: The village of Karmon. A secluded woodland town, its people fear the fair folk, and perform strange rituals to appease them. The fairies don't particularly care, but they're amused that they can get people to do such things.

025.030: This mine contains veins of both gold and silver, and some produce naturally-occurring electrum. It was built over a warren of Rat Men, and the miners are close to inadvertently tunneling into their dwellings...

026.011: The city of Tauromeon, a major trading hub. The city is dominated by a huge bronze bell hung at the temple of Morthanos; it is said that when the bell is run, any undead creatures who hear its sound will crumble to dust.

026.020: This castle once belonged to Golniri authorities, but has since been taken over by river pirates, who use it as their base of operations in preying on boats along the Psorapis.

026.026: The town of Bolos. A community of dwarves have established themselves in town; they largely keep to themselves and have their own businesses, but there are many who know the secrets of dwarven craftsmanship.

027.008: This castle belongs to Nestor the Grey, a bandit who terrorized the land in his youth. He has since grown old and retired from his bloody business, but holds court over an audience of rogues and criminals, many of whom meet here to make allegiances and plan schemes.

027.013: The White Convent, a Marsean convent that offers its services to the poor and destitute in need of healing. Many beggars and outlaws congregate here, as the nuns provide them with meals and a roof over their heads.

028.016: The town of Labranion. An alchemist named Loukanios Karaganos lives on the outskirts of town - in reality, he is dabbling in necromancy and fears that the people will chase him out of town if they discover his secret, even though he has no intention of harming anyone and is merely curious.

028.025: The city of Arsinia. A local man by the name of Orion has recently stolen a document containing part of the recipe for Golniri fire, and intends to get out of Golnir as soon as possible before he is discovered for such a grave offense.

028.028: The village of Helidon. A shrine of Kord is here, bearing the ankle bone of Saint Metaxos the Swift. One who prays at the shrine will obtain the benefits of a haste spell until the next long rest; the period of lethargy afterward also lasts until the next long rest.

029.006: This castle belongs to Sir Auxentios Zephyros, a knight who was awarded this land by the lord of Karthaina (see hex 030.005) for his service. Though an accomplished fighter, he is less used to running a domain of his own, and is rather intimidated by the prospect.

029.008: The Abbey of Saint Kallistes, a monastery devoted to Kerne. It is inhabited by an order of warrior monks who spend their days training in battle.

029.018: The city of Semothis. Recently, while digging the foundation for a new temple, a buried Fedreline vault was found underneath the city - and now, a scramble is underway to chart its depths and to retrieve whatever treasure might be buried inside.

029.021: This castle belongs to Count Gaios Oikonomos, a nobleman who controls much of the surrounding area. Secretly, he is a vampire, and has managed to avoid detection thanks to the already cutthroat nature of Golniri politics meaning that it isn't very suspicious if his rivals disappear.

029.023: The Monastery of Silence, a monastery devoted to Mimir. As the name suggests, the monks here all abide by a vow of silence so that they may study the world's knowledge in quiet contemplation. They have developed a complex system of signs and gestures to communicate with each other non-verbally.

030.005: The city of Karthaina. It is an important hub for traders and pilgrims going from Golnir to Taldameer and the City-States, and as such, it is often abuzz with foreign visitors from many lands.

030.030: The town of Skyros. It is home to a large temple of Weyland, the god of the forge, with a gate wrought from meteoric iron, said to have been granted to the town as a gift from the heavens.

030.033: A tribe of orcs lives here. Their village is built along the side of the cliffs (as well as into the caves on those cliffs), allowing them to rain down rocks and arrows on intruders from above.

031.016: The city of Oropeon. There is a secret order of assassins living here called the Order of the Garrote; they are all faithful Marseans who believe that there is no sin in killing as long as the target feels no pain and sheds no blood, so they commit all their contracts through strangulation.

031.026: This tower is home to a notorious bandit named Iskandar the Kingsbane. He wears the hood of an executioner to conceal his face - in fact, all of his lieutenants do as well, so that it is impossible for outsiders to tell them apart from one another.

032.004: A tribe of orcs live here. They are in the service of the lord of Karthaina (see hex 030.005); as such, they do not raid his territories, and he employs them to bolster his own forces - and to attack his rivals.

032.009: The ruins of a Fedreline fort lie here. Amidst the wreckage is a staff in the shape of a coiled serpent; as an action, it can come to life and serve its master's commands.

032.012: This tower once belonged to a wizard, but due to a magical mishap, he accidentally turned himself into a goat. Now he roams around the grounds, trying to get the attention of anyone who might be able to help with his predicament.

032.021: The village of Edonis. The people here grow grapes in the hills to make wine; their wines are prized by nobles in the area, who will pay handsomely to be supplied with them.

032.024: The village of Tyricon. A warrior named Aristodemos has taken up residence here, demanding that any warriors passing by test him in a duel. He wears a belt of frost giant strength, which he will grant to any worthy opponents who best him.

032.031: The village of Lycabetos. A gnome lives outside the town, and promises to lead anyone who can best him in a riddling contest to a hidden trove of gold and jewels.

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