Monday, September 2, 2024

Levic Marches Hex Map

With the end of another month comes another hex map for the Year of the Gazetteer! Each hex equals six miles.

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003.011: This is one of the several caves used by the Northman pirate Gunnar Half-Troll to store his treasure. It contains a total of 3,956 GP in gold and jewels, and is guarded by a band of orcish pirates.

004.013: This castle belongs to the Order of the Hammer, which uses it to watch the coasts for pirates and Northmen. At its foot is a small village of serfs who grow crops to sustain the knights. They are growing tired of the work, but know they have no hope of overcoming the knights in battle. Even if someone was to do something about the knights, the League of Three Crowns would not be happy to lose such a deterrent against raids.

006.12: The village of Tretja. A local youth by the name of Markas has ambitions of becoming a knight of the Order of the Hammer, despite the wishes of his family. He fully intends to run away from home to follow his dreams if they continue to push back.

007.009: The village of Brasai. It sits high on a cliff above the moors, where the townspeople have seen a dead sea monster wash up on the shore. The beast's belly is pierced with a harpoon that can return to its user if thrown, when a magic word is spoken.

007.023: A sea witch by the name of Valka lives on the shore of an island here. She is capable of conjuring storms, and can call both fortuitous winds and deadly tempests if she is paid with components for her spells - of which she has rare tastes.

009.012: The city of Gladesbeck, a powerful port of the League of Three Crowns. It has a staunch stance against pirates and thieves, and its harbor is lined with gallows to serve as warnings for those who would dare to raid its ships.

010.009: An old watchtower here has been taken over by the crew of Gunnar Half-Troll's ship (see hex 003.011) to serve as a barracks and treasury. A total of 3,000 GP, a potion of climbing, and a scroll of locate animals and plants are housed here.

010.011: A village of goblins sits amongst the swamps here. It is guarded by giant serpents, and the shamans can call upon giant insects to waylay foes.

011.012: This is one of the several caves used by Gunnar Half-Troll (see hex 003.011) to store his treasure. It contains 3,805 GP, a ring of evasion, and a hauberk of mithril chain. It is guarded by several orcish warriors and an ogre.

012.010: The ruins of a castle once maintained by the Order of the Hammer, long since abandoned after it was sacked by Levic raiders. Rumor holds that the spirits of slain knights still hold guard over its halls.

012.015: This castle is owned by the Order of the Hammer and houses a fleet of ships that patrol the coast against pirates and Northmen. They are not averse to the hiring of privateers to bolster their ranks, however.

014.006: The Abbey of the Lonely Coast, a convent devoted to the sea god Olmo. It is built out on a sea stack just off the coast, and must be reached by taking a dinghy to where a ladder hangs down over the water.

014.012: The House of the Poor Brothers, a monastery belonging to an order of Marsean monks. They are ascetics who have given their wealth away to the poor, believing they they should live as beggars to truly understand the plight of their fellow man.

015.009: A long-overgrown stone circle stands in the middle of the swamp here. If a wild boar is slain and burned here as an offering within the same day, whoever performs the sacrifice will gain the benefits of a charm of heroism.

016.007: Castle Bernstein, a castle on the border of the lands of the Northmen that has traded hands many times. It once held a garrison of knights of the Order of the Hammer, but they were driven out in a raid by Northmen, who have now claimed the castle as their own. The surviving knights can be found at Castle Mitgenburg (see hex 018.010), trying to rally support to take the castle back.

017.013: This castle belongs to Lord Amalaric Dietrichs, a former mercenary who came to the Levic Marches in service of the Order of the Hammer and was rewarded with a fief for his efforts. Although he pays a tithe to the Order, he in no way abides by their spartan lifestyle and enjoys holding feasts and festivals at any occasion.

018.10: Castle Mitgenburg, the headquarters of the Order of the Hammer. It is a sprawling complex of towers, keeps, and chapels where the knights live and train in seclusion from the outside world. See here.

019.007: The village of Daubarai, a Levic settlement on the Dzai River. Its people avoid an island on the river where the people once buried the ashes of their dead, now believing it to be taken over by their restless spirits.

019.012: A sacred grove sits on a hill in the middle of the moors here. Druids go here to meditate so that they may receive guidance in the form of visions. No others are allowed to set foot on the hill, for doing so will cause it to become impure.

019.016: The city of Kaukoli, once a Levic trading post that has since grown into a major city of the League of Three Crowns. It is a cosmopolitan hub where just about anything might be bought and sold, if one can find the right person for the job.

020.022: A wrecked Northman longboat rests amidst the rocks it was broken upon. Every summer, the ghosts of the dead sailors arise and sail the ship to raid the coasts, only to go dormant again when the raiding season is past.

021.006: This watchtower belongs to a patrol of Rogdii warriors, a fierce and warlike Levic tribe. They have turned to banditry and have been known to shake down travelers for their valuables.

021.008: A tribe of elves live here. They occasionally do business with the nearby humans, trading furs, but outsiders are only allowed to speak to a designated official and may not enter the village proper.

021.018: The city of Lyestra. A proud member of the League of Three Crowns, it also boasts a barracks belonging to the Order of the Hammer, and both the League and the Order send representatives to the town council. The two factions are in hot competition for control over the city.

022.015: A timber watchtower, once used by the Levic tribes to watch for threats, stands here. It has since been abandoned and taken over by a family of trolls who make their den here.

022.026: This rocky island is home to a coven of sirens, who lure ships to crash on the shore. The remains of many ships can be seen jutting from the water at low tides, some still with their cargo intact.

023.011: The Abbey of Saint Marise, a convent devoted to Morthanos. The nuns here pray so that the dead may have safe journeys to their resting places. The abbey boasts robust walls to protect against raids by Rogdii warriors.

024.005: The village of Montviliai. A Rogdii settlement, it is customary for warriors to prove themselves by taking an outsider captive to be offered as a human sacrifice to the ancestors. Helmfried Kapp, a League merchant, is being held captive here; he promises to pay handsomely if rescued.

024.009: A sacred grove is located deep in the forest here, tended to by a lone elven druid. He will offer to teach his arcane secrets to fellow followers of the Old Faith if they can prove their worthiness in a quest.

024.016: The Monastery of the Holy Sun, a Solennite monastery founded by settlers from Togarmah. The monks here are trained as exorcists and hunters of the undead.

024.019: This castle belongs to Count Niklas von Breinerhof, a Vardessian noble. He sees the League of Three Crowns as meddlesome bureaucrats who are interfering in the industries of his fiefs with their tariffs and regulations, and would be happy to see them leave him alone.

025.011: The village of Kruvondy. Though the population is entirely Levic, they profess to have adopted Pantheonism and agreed to trade with settlers. However, they secretly practice druidic rituals when no one is looking.

026.007: The village of Gaudikiu. A Rogdii village, the warriors here are keenly aware of the forests and often lie in wait to launch ambushes on travelers.

027.012: The village of Berzha. It is an important trading post between settlers, League merchants, and Levic tribes, and large market festivals draw in traders from far away.

027.016: The city of Brunnsberg. A member of the League of Three Crowns, it is one of the most wealthy in the Levic Marches, for it trades with several settlements along the Kelme River that bring in amber. Lately, the local League guild has been proudly displaying a particularly large piece of amber that appears to have an imp preserved inside. But is that connected to a slew of murders nearby?

028.010: This castle was built by the Order of the Hammer to defend against raids by Rogdii clans. The Knight-Commander, Thorsten von Silberg, derides the Levics as barbarians who offer nothing to decent gods-fearing people and who deserve to be wiped out for their devilry.

028.016: The town of Vanastadt. A close trading partner of Brunnsberg (see hex 027.016), there are spies among its guilds who are embezzling trade goods in the hopes of becoming powerful enough to compete with the larger city.

028.025: This lighthouse is tended to by a family of dwarves, who have lived here for generations. In fact, its light is generated by a gem of brightness forged in their ancestral hold.

029.006: The village of Baliskiai. A Rogdii settlement, it is home to an old warrior woman named Elmede, who lost a hand in a battle against the Order of the Hammer many years ago and who still seeks revenge, though she is growing older and knows her time is running out.

030.009: The village of Zabiels. A Levic village, its people are reclusive and live in fear of the fair folk that are said to haunt the woods.

030.014: Castle Leonberg, a castle established long ago by the Order of the Hammer to watch over the Kelme River. It has recently been inherited by Lord Hermann Falkenhorst, a young noble who is in over his head and has no idea what secrets lie in the depths of the castle.

030.020: The village of Ekksdorf, a coastal settlement established by Vardessian migrants. Its headwoman, Dietlinde Boels, has a secret - she is in fact of Northman blood, and has inherited the family curse of lycanthropy.

030.026: The city of Hassla. It is one of the so-called Four Shameful Cities that harbors the Lionsails; in fact, the pirate fleets of the city are made up largely of merchant ships from the local League-affiliated guild. Naturally, this has led to much contention about their membership in the League, but they do just enough legitimate trading to make them worth keeping around.

031.017: The village of Kamschiai. A hermit druid by the name of Paimis lives in a cave just outside the village. He has been trying to warn the people that their logging is angering the trees, but they brush him off as an old madman - little do they know, the trees are plotting an uprising.

031.023: The city of Smilgi, one of the Four Shameful Cities. The Order of the Hammer has had enough with the Lionsails disrupting trade, and is currently besieging the harbor, but the city refuses to bow to foreign tyranny.

032.010: The village of Liepiu. A Levic village, the townspeople have a tradition of partaking in a drinking contest, but a stranger who can outdrink any man in town has recently appeared and is causing quite a stir. Secretly, this stranger is none other than the trickster god Reynard, here to spread mischief.

032.012: The town of Endebogen. A major exporter of amber, it was once a bulwark - a floating wooden fortress built in the river - though it has expanded considerably onto both shores.

032.016: This was once a sacred grove of the Levic druids, but it has been occupied by orcish raiders, who have built a camp here. If the orcs are driven out, any druids or other followers of the Old Faith in the party will receive the effects of the bless spell until the next long rest.

032.021: The town of Elchingen. It is home to a shrine dedicated to Meili, the god of roads and travelers; many caravans stop here to receive blessings for safe travels.

033.006: A tribe of elves live here. They are fiercely protective of their forest home and will attempt to kill outsiders on sight, firing arrows from the trees and calling on wolves to maul intruders.

033.013: The ruins of a Levic hillfort sit here in the woods. The original inhabitants were slain in a raid by the orcs at hex 035.015, who are now in the process of looting the ruins for any valuables.

033.018: The Abbey of Saint Sigband, a monastery devoted to Torvald. Though they share a patron god with the Order of the Hammer, the monks here are strict pacifists and will not take up arms, though they will pray for the success of warriors in battle.

033.025: The town of Reinstall. Owing to its location near the Four Shameful Cities, it enjoys the protection of the Lionsails, and much of their loot passes through its markets - meaning that it is a hub of exotic goods difficult to find elsewhere in the Marches.

034.027: The city of Annedal, one of the Four Shameful Cities. Its burgomaster, Alvar Dressler, is himself a former pirate who speaks fondly of his adventures on the high seas. Despite settling down, he still pines for his lost love, a mermaid named Lilibelle who he has not seen ever since his turn to politics.

035.010: The village of Vies. A Levic settlement, the people have as of late been unable to prepare sacrifices because a rulsaka named Nadia living nearby has been mourning the death of her daughter, and her sorrow has brought ceaseless rain upon the village.

035.015: A tribe of orcs live here, launching raids on many nearby settlements. Their camp is deep in the woods, and they have set many traps for those who would wish to pursue them.

035.021: The village of Rigsbotten. Located at a crossroad, it is well known that the boundaries of the worlds are weaker here, and many would-be warlocks attempt to summon demons in the night.

036.003: The ruins of a Levic hillfort sit here in the woods. The fortress was pillaged by Northmen long ago, and has since become the lair of the green dragon Plaguetongue, who slumbers atop his hoard in seclusion.

036.026: This tower belongs to Felicia Falke, a sorceress who has built it as an observatory to conduct her studies. Recently, her alchemy jug was stolen by Lionsail pirates, and she would be pleased to see it returned.

037.008: The village of Jakenu. A Levic settlement, one boy claims to have seen a dragon flying in the distance (see hex 036.003). Everyone else believes he's spreading tall tales.

037.012: The village of Krantai. The local druid, Klawin, is regarded as a soothsayer, and many travel here to hear his prophecies - though he speaks in riddles, and what he foretells is not always obvious.

037.017: The village of Upyna. The warchief, Ullo, is in possession of a magic club that can extend and retract its length; he will only grant it to one who proves themselves to be a worthy opponent in battle.

038.013: A skeleton can be seen beneath the water here, clutching an axe that appears pristine and free of rust despite how long it has been submerged. The axe is a giantslayer battleaxe; however, attempting to retrieve it will lead to the skeleton coming to life and grappling whoever takes the axe, trying to drag them down with it.

038.020: A stone circle sits on the moors here. Beneath a fallen slab is a sinkhole that leads directly to the Land Beneath, and was once used to dump sacrificial offerings by the druids.

038.026: The city of Trudebeck. One of the Four Shameful Cities, the center of town holds an old Northman runestone. No one has been able to decipher the inscriptions, but they point to the location of a great treasure hoard.

039.007: The village of Turovas. The local Levics observe a gruesome ritual in which criminals and captured prisoners are sacrificed to the ancestors in a great wicker man.

039.014: A stone circle stands on the shore of a lake here. If an offering of kumis is poured into the lake, whoever performs the ritual will gain the ability to breathe underwater until the next long rest.

040.002: A stone circle sits atop a hill here. If blood is spilled in the center of the circle, whoever spilled the blood will become possessed by a berserker rage as per the effects of a berserker axe.

040.011: A tribe of elves live on the shore of a lake here. They worship the spirit of the lake, and commune with the fish in it. Anyone who pollutes the lake or fishes in its waters will attract their wrath.

040.018: The village of Owanta. Much of the village is built over wetlands, on wooden platforms built over networks of poles and stacked logs. The people here are noted guides who are quite familiar with the surroundng area.

040.022: The village of Kalwarya. It boasts the largest horse market in the Levic Marches; although the natives are Levic, even settlers have been known to come to buy steeds.

040.024: The town of Norrdal. It is known for the great stone bridge over the Galta River, believed to be of dwarven construction; many houses and shops are built atop it.

041.006: The village of Kryaunos. The native Levic tribe pays homage to a wooden pole carved in the shape of a bearded man's face, said to speak oracular premonitions on the solstices.

041.025: The city of Meikinburg. Though ostensibly a League city, the local thieves' guild has a tight grip on commerce, driving up the prices of goods and using a cut of the profits to finance their smuggling operations.

042.010: The ruins of a Levic hill fort sacked in a kin strife. So much blood was spilled that day, and so much misfortune wrought, that demons began to manifest there, and the Levics refuse to go near the ruin.

042.016: The village of Dazlai. Though a Levic village, a merchant from the League of Three Crowns named Andrey Ninoslav is staying with a family here after his cart got stuck in the mud. The tribesman are suspicious that he may be spying for the League.

042.019: Castle Ebershaft, a castle established by the Order of the Hammer in order to watch the moors for Levic incursions. Its treasury holds a sacred spear, said to have been wielded by a saint to slay a dragon. Its strike can bypass any armor (it treats enemy armor class as though it were two points lower, or higher if using descending AC). Of course, the knights would not be willing to part with such a treasure.

042.023: The village of Dunvak. Its people dig for clams on the muddy shore of the Galta, and will warn travelers that there have been reports of giant clams that can suck a man down under the mud.

043.021: The city of Hynden, the largest and most powerful in the Levic Marches. See here.

044.027: The town of Kochebin. It is home to a guild of mercenaries, the Black Spears, many of whom are Northmen who have decided to offer their services for honest work. And, for the right price, less honest work.

045.022: The Mouth of the Bear, a roadside inn catering to travelers and merchant caravans. It is named for the taxidermy bear head mounted on the wall, which has been known to speak cryptic messages - in reality, the bartender knows a few minor cantrips, and makes the bear speak to amuse and confuse drunken patrons.

046.005: The village of Rudin. The village is deserted, save for a blind man who warns of a catoblepas capable of causing any who behold its terrible gaze to fall dead.

046.010: The village of Surviday. Though the people here used to gather mushrooms and fruit in the woods, lately they have found the webs of giant spiders slung between the trunks and fear going any deeper.

046.016: This watchtower was constructed by the Levics, but has since been claimed by the Order of the Hammer, who have moved a garrison in and begun constructing a monastery around it. They don't appreciate outsiders sticking their noses in their business.

046.018: The town of Viden. It is a stopover point for traders on the Galta going between Hynden (see hex 043.021) and Locai (see hex 048.015). The harbor is blocked by two great gates, which the guards man against pirates and Levic raiders.

046.024: The town of Ottsmark. It was built around a temple of Nehalennia, the goddess of commerce, and the local priesthood exerts a tithe on the market - strictly for the purposes of maintaining the temple, of course.

047.013: The village of Atesniki. A trading post between Locai (see hex 048.015) and the nearby Levic settlements, it has grown to house a sizeable population of both Levics and settlers - which sometimes leads to culture shock.

047.020: The village of Asarp. A farmer claims to have dug up a preserved bog body while draining a swamp on the outskirts of town. But when he went back to check, it was nowhere to be found. Was it stolen by a necromancer, or is there an even greater threat at hand?

047.022: The village of Hyltan. Its windmills are especially fecund, due to an agreement between the town miller and the fair folk. However, if these fickle spirits were to be offended, the entire village would be stricken by famine.

048.015: The city of Locai. Owing to its position deep into Levic territory, the city grew around a fortress of the Order of the Hammer, and today they exert a strong military presence. The burgomaster, Wilhemina Vischer, shares her power with Augustin Ruthskall, the local Knight-Commander, who maintains the city's defenses while she handles civil business. Given their separate interests, only time will tell if such an arrangement can hold.

048.026: The town of Lybeck. It has an exclusive agreement with a dwarven hold in Kvesland, and imports their goods; as such, magical crafts are easier to come by here than in other settlements.

050.013: The village of Bertholdstead. It was founded recently by the League merchant Berthold Schultheim, who has great ambitions of it becoming a great city some day.

050.019: This tower belongs to Vitold Stanek, a reclusive necromancer. He seeks to transcend the limits of mortality and become a lich, but has no interest in terrorizing the living; he just wants more time to his studies.

051.023: The town of Trostea. A boy from a homestead outside of town has heard his goat whispering to him, urging him to disrupt ceremonies in town. Is it just trying to spread chaos, or is there a deeper motive?

051.026: The city of Lechof. The master of the local League guild recently bought a jeweled chalice for a coming guild feast - little does he know, it belonged to a Northman king, and the king's advisors have used magical scrying to trace its location here...

052.010: The village of Skaisgiri. The village sits in a valley, and the people use the caves beneath the cliffs to hide in times of attack. Some caves go deeper than anyone has ever laid eyes upon.

052.025: A hermitess named Sona Mackova lives in a hut here in meditation on Seidra, the goddess of magic. Nearby villagers suspect her of being a witch, but she insists that it's different.

053.017: A hunter's cabin sits abandoned on the moors here, with the body of a white stag - a sacred beast of Kerne, and one that must never be killed by mortals - strung up inside. The hunter believed that he could fool Kerne by taking the body inside and out of his sight, but Kerne sent perytons to devour him - and the beasts are still lingering nearby.

053.020: The town of Mittnau. The town is built over a natural hot spring, and its waters are said to have healing properties; many bathhouses can be found there.

053.022: The Abbey of Saint Vladimir, a Voltanite monastery. The monks here keep meticulous records of the law, and many of the surrounding villages turn to them to arbitrate court cases and settle disputes. However, these disputes are always settled by consulting the mummified head of Saint Vladimir himself, which pronounces the final verdict.

055.012: This cave gives way to many twisting, maze-like passages. Many lead to dead ends, but some open up into the Land of Faerie.

055.016: The village of Kapenai. The people here revere the Semna River as sacred and make offerings into its waters. There are great treasures at the riverbed, but the people attest that they belong to the river, and taking them may invoke its wrath.

055.019: On an island in the Semna River is a sacred grove, where lives the Archdruid Segeband, the spiritual leader of all Levic people. See here.

055.023: The town of Donasov. As the closest large settlement to the border between the Levic Marches and Kvesland proper, it is a major stopping point for Kvessian caravans doing business with the League cities, and many shops and inns in town cater to travelers.

055.026: The town of Prokhenki. It is the site of a major shipyard that produces many of the vessels in the Sea of Bartel, and the shipwright guild here is a very powerful one, though the League of Three Crowns keeps them on a leash.

056.018: Mount Lonai, an inselberg that rises suddenly from the lowlands. The summit is home to a frost giant by the name of Ako, who the people of nearby settlements offer their cattle to so that he does not bring destruction upon them.

056.022: The village of Khylmeki. It is populated largely by halflings, most of whom keep to themselves, though they do maintain one inn, the Merry Honeybee, sized for big folk - if still a bit cramped.

057.014: The castle of a fey lord stands on a hill here. It spins in place too quickly for anyone to find a way in, unless a command word is spoken to make it stop.

057.018: The village of Kreschi. Recently, a wicked man named Ilmedous was elected king; his nephew, Kove, disputes his right to rule, but he has promised to abdicate the throne if brought the head of the giant Ako (see hex 056.018), hoping that the boy will get himself killed pursuing such a task.

058.017: A circle of carved stone slabs in the shape of old women stands in a clearing here. If one spends one day and one night in meditation at the circle, they may see anything the stone hags have seen over the centuries.

059.011: A tribe of orcs live here. They guard a mountain pass through the Trollskull Mountains into the North, and have a number of redoubts on the cliffs they climb to so that they may rain down rocks and arrows on those below.

061.015: The village of Torvech. The well here has recently been afflicted by a curse that causes those who drink from it to slowly turn into lizardfolk, and many of the afflicted have been cast out into the swamp. No one has figured out where the transformation is coming from.

062.018: The village of Balkas. Due to the swampy ground, the people here do not bury the cremated remains of their dead, as other Levics do; instead, they leave the dead in trees to be eaten by birds. This has attracted many scavengers to the area.

064.019: The village of Akmeny. It was recently discovered that the king was having an affair with an elven maiden, a scandal that has caused many of the elders to call for him to be removed from power. He insists that he shouldn't be held responsible for being bewitched by the glamour of the fair folk.

065.017: The village of Bombalis. The town druid is secretly a vampire, living in a cave to protect himself from the sunlight and claiming that the darkness brings him closer to his ancestors, and drinks the blood of the villagers at night. So far, he hasn't been discovered, but he is growing increasingly paranoid.

068.019: A tribe of elves live here. They know of a tunnel that cuts beneath the Trollskull Mountains into the North, but fear it, for monsters are said to live within, and it is easy to get lost in its hidden passages.

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