Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Order of the Hammer

The Levic Marches are often held as the last bulwark of true civilization between the lands of the Northmen and the more settled lands beyond. But with such close proximity - not to mention the great wealth of the League cities, which naturally draws unscrupulous eyes - the Northmen are as much a threat to the people of the Marches as they are trading partners. Raids on coastal villages are practically a yearly inevitability, and even sieges of the great harbors are not uncommon. Such threats call for study defenses - and that is how the Order of the Hammer came to carve out its presence in the Levic lands.

The Order is a Vardessian monastic tradition devoted to Torvald, the god of protection, walls, and boundaries. Its members are almost all of Vardessian origin, and its headquarters are in the Vardessian city of Eulen. However, it is most prominent and powerful in the Levic marches, for the knights of the Order have carved out an empire of their own there.

The Order of the Hammer is a martial order - that is, its membership is composed largely of paladins who train in combat as much as they devote their lives to prayer and meditation, though some of its members are half-brothers; non-combatant monks who assist their brethren with day-to-day chores and other support positions. Secluded in their cloisters, the members of the Order live an ascetic existence. Their conditions are austere, for they do not believe in honoring the gods with grand icons or ceremonies, deeming such frivolities to be distractions from the pursuit of a life in keeping with Torvald's will. They do not even celebrate feast days or fraternize with one another at meals, living a simple life of prayer and training.

It goes without saying that when their whole lives are sworn to defense, the knights of the Order are fierce fighters. They traditionally don great helms and surcoats bearing their arms; often, these helmets are adorned with great horns or wings to intimidate their foes on the battlefield. They have a reputation as stoic, silent, and fearless killing machines, showing no quarter, no mercy, and an almost inhuman courage that defies reason. Some say that it is Torvald himself who guides their blows, and that the knights do not consciously make any decisions in battle - though they are reluctant to speak on the matter (or on most things).

Generations ago, the Order of the Hammer was hired to support the League of Three Crowns against Northmen incursions, with the League paying them handsomely to move to the Levic Marches and establish castles there. Seeking to advance their standing after failed attempts to entrench themselves elsewhere, the knights agreed. Even after the threats were dealt with, though, the knights chose to stay, in a decision that was controversial at the time and has indeed led to the Order establishing a foothold so firm as to rival the authority of the League.

Not only does the Order still send a delegation to the League Council in Hynden, they govern a number of strongholds, at once fortresses and monasteries, throughout the Marches, exerting authority as feudal lords to support their upkeep from the tithes of their vassals. As such, there are swathes of the Levic Marches where neither the League nor the crown of Kvesland can overturn the rulings of the knights - but then, the knights are keen to remind them of why their presence is a desirable one when the next Northman raid comes. And many League merchants have relied on the knights to provide protection for their ships and caravans against bandits and worse things.

In turn, the knights of the Order have helped to shape Vardessian settlement of the Levic Marches. When hired by the League, they brought with them mercenaries and other disenfranchised knights to support their ranks, and many of their officers were rewarded for their service with land conquered in their wars. Some of their monasteries have even developed into towns and cities of their own. These settlements show the stoic and unflinching character of the Order - they are meticulously planned according to organized grids, surrounded by sturdy walls, and often found where forests were cleared and swamps drained, their very presence standing as an assertation of the Order's refusal to budge.

As an organization, the Order of the Hammer is formally led by Hendrik von Eulen, the Grandmaster, who resides in Vardessy. However, the knights active in the Levic Marches have by necessity formed their own hierarchy thanks to their distance from their homeland. The position of Landmaster designates the official in charge of all Order operations in the Levic Marches. This position is currently held by Sigismund von Kohlstein, who rules from Castle Mitgenburg. The Landmaster is a cold and merciless man devoted to asserting the Order's presence in the Levic Marches by whatever means are necessary. Firmly devoted to his goals, he sees nothing as unacceptable or excessive in the pursuit of protecting trade routes and settlements, and he is rightfully feared both in battle and in personal dealings.

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