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Art by chuckcg |
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Art by darksouls1 |
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Art by Biel Bahi Pla |
Musings on Tabletop RPGs, Pop Culture, Perytons, and Other Nonsense
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Art by chuckcg |
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Art by darksouls1 |
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Art by Biel Bahi Pla |
Some way or another, the PCs are all stricken with a curse that penalizes them in a fashion that is detrimental to their class and general play style, making it hard for them to fit their typical role in the party. For example:
Dharma Abbey is located in the mountains north of Baharata, in the area corresponding to the Tibetan Plateau. It's populated by reclusive monks who have little contact with the outside world, but there are a few outsiders there who have sought the Abbey for guidance in their personal journeys. Though termed an abbey, the pseudo-Christian iconography of the temples in most cities is lacking, and the place instead has a Buddhist feel (if you couldn't guess by the name).
I plan on addressing the subject of religion in another post, but I feel it's quite apparent that the monks of Dharma Abbey practice a different religion than the rest of the world. Of note, Dharma Abbey is the only way to make one of your characters a Sage - they're the strongest class in the game, with access to the best healing and offensive spells, but in order for one of the party members to become one, they must pass a test involving retrieving a sacred scroll from a dungeon to the north - if the scroll is located there, this is likely the ruin of another temple of the same faith. This item is called different things in pretty much every release of the game, but the NES version calls it the Book of Satori, which is a nice evocative name, so I'm calling the religion Satorism. I would also presume that the Sage class thus represents people who have been taught in the mystic arts at the Abbey, and who have mastered the teachings of Satorism. This also means the monks are likely powerful magicians, versed in different disciplines of magic.![]() |
Art by Leland Klanderman |
There isn't too much in this area of the map besides the Abbey, but in the interests of fleshing out the world, I'd likely put some nomadic tribes in the surrounding hills. Most of the overworld's equivalent to Central Asia is covered by forest (again, more on that in another post), so this seems like the best place to work steppe nomads in, because I have to have steppe nomads somewhere. To maintain the Shangri-La allusions, these people would likely know of the Abbey through local rumor, but those who had laid eyes upon it would likely be few in number - PCs would have to seek them out as guides just to get to the place.
I've always held the belief that the history, culture, and mythology of India is criminally underused in fantasy gaming. Anyone who's read the Ramayana or the Mahabharata can tell you the average Hindu myth has more gods, demons, monsters, and magic than a lot of D&D sessions. Even if we narrow our scope to sword and sorcery, we need look no further than The People of the Black Circle to see how much room there is for pulp fantasy adventure in an Indian-inspired setting. I would liberally fill Baharata with warring kingdoms, hill tribes, lost rock-cut temples, roving demons, impenetrable jungles, and ancient curses. Luckily, such a large region gives me plenty of room to do so.
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Art by Devashish Pradhan |
I think a points-of-light approach, with many small states, tribes, and kingdoms, would work well for Baharata. The town in DQ3 does not seem to house any regional authorities, so it does not seem to be a capital of any sort, and the region is too far from any other capitals to make sense as part of the same empire. There are two possibilities that I can see - either the capital of Baharata is one we never visit because there isn't anything interesting there, or Baharata is split up into a multitude of different states, with no one being particularly larger or more powerful than any other. The latter option would offer more opportunities for gameplay - think about negotiating rivalries between kings, or sparking a war between them, to say nothing about the potential for domain-level play - so I'm inclined to go with that. The chapter on the Hundred Kingdoms from Yoon-Suin might be helpful here, although it's based on a later era than what I'm going for. I'd also like to make some of those kingdoms and tribes made up of beastmen, probably in the wilder northern regions. Admittedly, part of that is me ripping off what Warhammer Fantasy did with its fantasy-India, but it's also entirely in keeping with the precedent of Hindu mythology, so it fits.
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Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas |
While traveling the open sea, the PCs come across a small island that is not marked on any of their maps. The ship's crew has grown tired over the long journey, and they petition the captain to stop and rest here, perhaps foraging for food to replenish their meager rations. If the ship's captain is an NPC, they agree to moor the ship here; if they are a PC, that decision is up to the player(s).
If the ship docks, the crew wishes to spend the night on the island, and they suggest the PCs explore before sun sets. PCs exploring the island will find that it is mostly flat and rocky, covered in sparse shrubs and grass, with a few short trees here and there. There are no land animals native to the island, but a few seagulls can be found, and there are some crabs on the shore. The island is 160 feet long and 100 feet wide, with a circle of rocks and trees at the center of the island forming a natural campsite, 80 feet from the ship. Keep track of how far the party ventures into the island - it will become important later.
At nightfall, the ship's crew will make camp at whatever suitable spot the party found, and make a fire from some driftwood and fallen branches to cook some birds and fish they were able to catch. However, this is where the island reveals its secret. The "island" is in fact a gigantic fish that has laid dormant here for years, and over the ages, enough soil has built up on its back to form solid ground. However, when a fire is lit, the fish will wake up, and seek to retreat into the water - with everyone still on it! The fish will also wake up if a fire is lit on the island before the crew does, or if the PCs make any extremely loud noises (such as that of an explosion).
Once the fish wakes up, enter Action Time. The fish takes a turn at the beginning of initiative order every round. On its turn, the fish always sinks two feet into the water. The PCs must use this time to run back to the ship before they sink with the fish! If they make a move or dash action, they must make an Acrobatics or Athletics check (whichever best fits the action); on a failed check, they can only move at half speed that turn due to the rising water. The DC for this check starts at 5, and increases by 5 for every two feet the fish sinks after the first. If any PC is below the water (this would typically be when the fish has sunken six feet for a medium-sized creature, or three feet for a small one), they must swim to their destination, and they must hold their breath unless they have some means of breathing underwater.
You don't need to roll for the crew during this part - you can just assume that enough redshirts drowned to make things suitably dramatic, but enough survived that the ship is still in working order. However, if there are any named NPCs on the ship, you may wish to have them act during the initiative order like the PCs, following the same rules.
If you so desire, you can add other obstacles to overcome during the run to the ship if you want make the encounter more challenging. Do not forget that, although most parties will likely run for the ship, other courses of action are possible and should be allowed according to the DM's judgment. If anyone in the party is able to communicate with the fish, for instance, they may be able to convince it to take them to their destination - though the fish will likely demand something in return.
Portoga spans the area corresponding to the Iberian Peninsula. Its name recalls Portugal, but the capital city is located where Spain would be, so it isn't that specific. I personally wouldn't be opposed to throwing in some influences from renaissance Italy - scheming courts, powerful clergy, grand displays of the arts - and making it a catch-all for early modern Mediterranean Europe, seeing as how Romaly is solidly Roman.
A note on gunpowder: there are no guns in DQ3, and there is a bomb, but it's the creation of a lone alchemist and explicitly magical in nature. There are, however, cannon located on a ghost ship that serves as one of the game's dungeons, so there's arguments for both including and not including gunpowder in the setting. I'd personally go with gunpowder being unavailable (maybe with the exception of cannon) in order to keep the more ancient areas from feeling too out of place, and to preserve the sword-and-sorcery character of the setting, but Solomon Kane exists so that may not be a problem for you.
Portoga is a major naval power. It's known for its shipyards, and it controls territory on either coast of the sea to the south, with a lighthouse just north of the Isisian desert (incidentally, connecting to a portal that leads to Aliahan, suggesting it was built over an ancient Aliahanian ruin). It also has a strong mercantile character, trading with distant lands. The king is acquainted with a hobbit who guards the pass between Ashalam and Baharata far to the east, which implies the kingdom maintains many important trade routes, and is perhaps located at a nexus of them - it is, after all, quite close to both the Romalian Empire and Isis, and its ships would allow access even further beyond.
Spices are very valuable in Portoga - a bag of black pepper from Baharata is enough to buy a ship. This, incidentally, is a very good example of what Solomon VK of World Building and Woolgathering called "Vikings in Clown Trousers" in the comments of this post. That is, authentically historical details where you don't expect them. This is only one such example in DQ3; while Dragon Quest is now synonymous with a particularly idiosyncratic genre of Japanese high fantasy influenced heavily by anime, the earlier games at least were grounded in historical fantasy, and that's something I want to call back to with The Saga of the Ortegids. Incidentally, it reminds me that spices really need to be used as treasure more. In a pre-industrial society, spices from distant lands might well be worth as much as if not more than gold, and they might be harder to transport as well, as PCs would have to lug around bags and jars; it's not like they can stuff a handful of cloves in their purse. This could present some fun challenges for getting treasure back home.
Portoga would make a good home base for a campaign centered on trade, with the PCs as merchants venturing forth to distant lands. While DQ3 doesn't mention pirates being a problem in Portoga, its nature as a maritime trade power and its historical inspiration would certainly make it plausible for one to fight a lot of them in the area. Or you could combine the two, and have a pirate campaign set off the coast of Portoga.
The PCs are approached by a large dog, which runs up to them wagging its tail and sniffing them excitedly. If they respond affectionately (most players will, in my experience), the dog will tag along with them, following them wherever they go. Even if they try to get rid of the dog, it will catch up to them as soon as possible, taking every measure possibly to keep up with the party, unless it is physically incapable of doing so (such as if the party crosses a bridge that falls behind them, and the dog is unable to clear the chasm). Notably, the dog will bark and try to get the party's attention once it is sure they are friendly. It seems almost like it's trying to communicate with them.
As a matter of fact, the dog is trying to communicate with them. It is in fact Athansios Panossias, a powerful wizard who, upon being defeated in a magical duel with his rival Hermokrates Nikolaios, was cursed into the form of a dog. Though he retains his memories and his learned mind, Athansios can only speak and act as a dog can, and thus is incapable of performing the gestures and incantations needed to work his magic. Desperate to lift the curse and get revenge on Hermokrates, he seeks out any passing adventurers who he might be able to lead to his mortal enemy.
Athansios cannot say or do anything a normal dog couldn't, but he will nevertheless attempt to get the party's attention and lead them in the direction of Hermokrates's tower, trying to explain his predicament as best he can. However, he faces significant limitations in doing so. The PCs will likely misunderstand his directions, and this may well lead them on a wild goose chase. It's okay if this happens - it's fun!
In the Lunar Lands, all animals are sapient, but have their own languages indecipherable to other species. Athansios might not be able to communicate with the party, but he can communicate with any dogs they have with them, and they will understand them. These dogs may try to pass on the same message if they're swayed to his side, but of course they face the same difficulties in doing so. If there's a Really Good Dog in your party, you should relay Athansios's messages to their player privately and have them try to relate things to the rest of the party without using verbal communication, to keep things balanced.