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Art by Punished Props Academy |
One way or another, the party should stumble upon a clutch of huge eggs, each about the size of a large man's head and deep red in color with a scaly texture. They are slightly warm to the touch, and ideally placed close to a source of heat - either in direct sunlight or over a pile of embers. A DC 12 Nature check will reveal that these are the eggs of a fiery dragon! A rare find indeed - and perhaps a tiding of further things on the horizon.
There are five eggs in total, and each of them weighs fifteen pounds. Due to their large size, they require two hands to carry. Furthermore, any time a creature carrying the eggs takes damage, they must make a DC 15 DEX saving throw. On a failed save, there is a 30% chance they will drop the eggs and shatter them against the ground. If a creature carrying the eggs is knocked prone, they must instead make a DC 20 DEX save, and there is a 50% chance of the egg breaking if the roll is failed.
As dragons are rare and storied creatures, their eggs command a hefty price on the black market. If the PCs can find an alchemist (10% chance for each village, 25% chance for each town, and 50% chance for each city), they will pay 500 GP for each egg for use in their magical experiments. Alternatively, the eggs may be used to cook a meal for an eccentric gourmand or noble - what better way to show off one's wealth and power than to serve dragon eggs at a feast? However, in order to do that, they'll need to transport the eggs in one piece - which may be easier said than done, especially if the eggs are found in the middle of a hostile environment.
Alternatively, the PCs may wish to hatch the eggs to raise the newborn dragons as their companions. A DC 15 Nature check will reveal that dragon eggs must be kept warm, and that mother dragons use their fiery breath to sustain their clutches. The eggs must be placed in fire for at least one hour per day, or the embryo inside dies. After 1d4 weeks, each egg hatches into a newborn red dragon. At this stage, the baby dragons are too young to sustain themselves in combat. They cannot attack and die immediately on taking damage. Additionally, they will make a lot of noise, demand to be fed often, set off sparks with their breath, and generally be a nuisance. However, if the PCs manage to raise and care for the dragons, they will imprint on them and grow into red dragon wyrmlings loyal to the party after one month.
However, if the eggs are removed, the dragons' mother, an adult red dragon by the name of Cinderclaw, will soon come back to the nest to find it disturbed - and she will seek vengeance. She will attack any settlements near where the eggs were found, trying to get her children back - or, failing that, to wreak havoc on those she deems responsible. If the PCs told any NPCs in these settlements about the eggs, those NPCs may blame the party for bringing devastation upon their home, and refuse to deal with them in the future.
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