Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Eighteen Cantons

Due to the nature of the Freikantons, every canton functions essentially as its own independent state, with its own government, laws, and standing army. The latter of which is typically, but not always, organized around a company of Swordbrothers. Really, it's more accurate to say that all of those things tend to be organized around a company of Swordbrothers. Though bound to a couple of tenets, such as being obligated to send forces in defense of the other cantons if one is attacked, the cantons largely keep to themselves. Because of this, coupled with the mountainous terrain of the Halvards limiting travel, each canton has developed its own unique culture and traditions, and the locals often identify more closely with their canton than with the Freikantons as a whole - or, indeed, with Vardessy.

City Cantons:

These cantons concentrate their power in urban centers. Some of them function as free cities, while others also include villages and homesteads the city has authority over. Generally, the City Cantons elect officials to handle governance and make decisions, either by a popular vote or by the deliberation of a town council of influential figures.

Delbent: This city sits in a narrow valley, the Delbental. Although small and isolated, the valley is fertile, allowing it to produce enough crops so as to be self-sufficient. It is run by the Brotherhood of the Iron Helmet, a band of Swordbrothers who specialize in defensive warfare; they man a castle that guards a narrow pass in the mountains, allowing the entrance to the valley to be cut off in times of invasion.

Frisenburg: Although the Canton of Frisenburg is ruled from the city of the same name - the largest city in the Freikantons - its influence spreads over several villages in the vicinity, all of which send delegates to the city council. This has grown to be a matter of contention for some of the larger towns under its banner, who feel as though their say is being curtailed by central authority - exactly the situation the Swordbrothers vowed to prevent. It is run by the Thirteen Hundred Hammers, a band of Swordbrothers who are known to send their men on individual quests to gather renown as journeymen before joining the company for larger military operations.

Hagen: One of the most settled cantons, Hagen claims to be the cultural center of the Freikantons, as the man regarded as the first Swordbrother, Adelbrecht von Bergschafen, came from here, and is regarded as a local hero; the Fellows of Adelbrecht claim to be the oldest Swordbrother company, tracing their lineage back to his forces. It has a long-standing rivalry with Frisenburg over the title of the most influential canton, but due to the charter of the Freikantons enforcing peace between its members, this is largely voiced through friendly competition in tournaments.

Meschiendorf: This canton is under heavy influence from the Monastery of the Golden Eagle, a Voltanite monastery sworn to uphold the law - to rather exacting and punishing standards. Its Swordbrother company, the Sworn Holy Swordsmen, work closely with the monks, catching criminals and bringing them to the monastery for the monks to hold court. Many people live in fear of them, some even accusing them of making up laws in order to exert their authority.

Oschebad: The domain of the renegade noble-turned-bandit-turned-noble Cedric the Bull. Though separated from the other cantons geographically, it is still bound by the same defense pact - a fact Cedric exploits to prevent his rivals from encroaching on him. See here.

Rahmskent: One of the more elitist cantons, many of the higher-ranking authorities in Rahmskent hold noble rank. They guard the Wolf's Maw Pass, a strategic chokepoint between Vardessy and Alcasse, and because of this, they are given considerable leeway by Vardessian authorities to govern as they see fit - the Empire deems it worth keeping their hands off if they can ensure the Swordbrothers are watching the border. It is run by the Brothers of the Bear, a Swordbrother company led by Brom the Bear, a mighty skin-changer who can assume the form of a bear on the battlefield.

St. Cadmus: This canton grew out of the Marsean abbey of the same name, and even though authority has been taken over by the town that grew around it, the Abbot still plays an important role on the town council. Because the monks are pacifists, they rely on the local Swordbrother company, the Guild of the Oak Leaves, to provide protection - and in some cases, to do the dirty work the monks aren't themselves willing to do.

Thuriengau: Though classified as a City Canton due to the fact it consists solely of a single town, Thuriengau has no burgomaster and no town council; the people collectively decide on laws through the same sort of assembly seen in Rural Cantons. Its resident Swordbrother company is the Crimson Quarrels, known for their heavy use of crossbowmen compared to other companies.

Werseid: An island in the middle of Vardessian fiefs separated from the Freikantons proper, this city declared its independence as a member of the Freikantons. It is both a center of trade and a seedy criminal hotbed - it obeys a policy of neutrality, refusing to extradite criminals from other territories, and as such, many wanted outlaws have fled here. It is said that anything can be bought here for those who know where to look - not in the least mercenary services - and its resident Swordbrother company, the Wolfsheads, is made up largely of hardened ex-criminals.

Rural Cantons:

Rural Cantons have no effective capital the way City Cantons do. Their populations are decentralized across a handful of villages, and the laws are voted on by the public in a Cantonal Assembly.

Alsental: This canton was carved out from a noble fief that sided with the Swordbrothers during the Swordbrother Revolt, and as such, the local nobility were allowed to hold onto much of their authority. Its Swordbrother company, the Bannermen of Lord Markus, is named in honor of the lord who defected to the Swordbrother cause - but the Swordbrothers regard their current liege with suspicion and disdain, feeling that he does not live up to his ancestor's standards.

Baadental: This canton sits on the shore of a large mountain lake, one that the locals regard with suspicion for a legend that a demon was imprisoned beneath it long ago. Monsters occasionally crawl out of its waters, said to be spawned from the demon's flesh. The local Swordbrother company, the League of the Blue Hounds, are renowned as expert monster hunters, largely out of necessity when attacks by monsters are a regular occurence.

Elgenheim: Though the people of most cantons regard the resident Swordbrothers with gratitude and awe, the people of Elgenheim have many whispered rumors about the Guild of Scarlet Blades, a reclusive company that swear themselves to secrecy about their traditions, meetings, and customs. Some believe them to be necromancers, vampires, cannibals, or any combination of the above. One of the Scarlet Blades' most closely-kept secrets is their gruesome initiation ritual - in order for aspirants to join, they must disguise themselves as bandits and successfully raid one of the villages.

Galenwald: This canton sits among extensive woodlands, with a substantial part of its population spread across small homesteads of hunters and foresters. As such, the local Swordbrother company, the Company of Merry Elks, recruits the civilian populace as spies or skirmishers in times of war, performing ambush and reconnaissance that would be ill-suited for the rather conspicuous Swordbrothers.

Himmlen: A forested canton on the outskirts of the confederation, Himmlen's population is sparse, but its Swordbrothers, the League of the Roughshod, are largely itinerant, wandering from place to place and taking jobs along the road. They have no one guild hall and usually meet at inns or at the houses of members, recognizing one another by their badges.

Simmenswald: Although scarcely populated, Simmenswald is prosperous, with the people relying on the irrigation of the Simmen River and cultivating the abundant fruit trees in the region for produce. Its largest village, Berdorf, is the site of a major marketplace - as well as the headquarters of the Society of Wineskins, the local Swordbrother company. As their name suggests, they are more of a social club than anything else, and spend more time drinking together in their guild hall than taking on assignments.

Skalden: Of all the cantons, Skalden has the highest population of dwarves, and they are largely integrated into the population thanks to a long-standing pact between the people and the dwarven citadel of Senglalilom, which has looked over the valley even before the foundation of the Swordbrothers. Some even regard the fortress as an unofficial canton. Its resident Swordbrothers, the Band of the Iron Ring, make use of dwarven mithril for their swords and armor.

Thurstental: Though small, this canton is heavily mountainous, and the Swordbrothers control several mines in the area, an enterprise that has helped generate wealth to sustain their operations. The local company is the Steelsworn League, which notably employs fighters from all over the world, many of whom have encountered the Swordbrothers in foreign wars and expeditions and were inspired to join. As such, their ranks are quite cosmopolitan, even including orcs, dwarves, elves, and even some genasi from Quel'Ahma.

The White League: Strictly speaking, the White League is not actually a canton. It is, rather, a collection of independent, largely self-sufficient villages associated with the Freikantons, relying on them for protection against marauding orcs and other threats. It does not have its own Swordbrother company; rather, each canton provides Swordbrothers for its defense, and it is not mandated to provide men-at-arms in return for it not having a vote in the Confederation Council. The villagers are mostly rural folk who rarely leave their hometowns; however, it would be a mistake to believe them foolish or defenseless, and they will not hesitate to rise in defense of their homes or lives if threatened.

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