Due to the sheer vastness of Ukiah, this map only covers one area of the region, centering around the Marches. Each hex equals twelve miles. For the most part I'm inclined to agree with Mythlands about three-mile hexes, but there was no way to do some of the maps I've been doing without them being unfeasibly large. As such, this map is not intended to be comprehensive, and it can be assumed that each hex contains at least one point of interest, whether shown on the map or not.
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002.035: Snowhall Keep, the centerpoint of Vardessy's control over its Ukian March. All locations described in The Keep on the Borderlands are contained within this hex. See here.
004.033: The Armsman's Rest, a roadside inn catering to Vardessian soldiers being deployed between Snowhall Keep (see hex 002.035) and deeper into the March. At any given moment, many soldiers can be found here sharing war stories, and there are many weapons and shields hung on the walls. Officers on patrol are allowed to garrison their soldiers here; anyone is welcome to stay, however.
004.034: The village of Salach. Sitting as it does on the road from Snowhall Keep (see hex 002.035), it has historically enjoyed greater security than other settlements in the Ukian March. As of late, though, raids by orcs have disrupted communications, and the village has been cut off from the forces of the Margrave.
006.030: The village of Gallendorf. On the borders of the Kvessian and Vardessian portions of the Ukian Marches, it is an important trading post and one of the wealthiest settlements in the region, and is thus guarded by a substantial garrison.
007.025: Kalmanskiy Castle, the political center of Kvesland's portion of the Ukian Marches. See here.
007.034: The village of Frietelbrucke, a trading post on the Dena River. In addition to trading with boatmen traveling downstream, it also cuts wood from the surrounding forest and ships logs along the river toward Vardessy.
007.036: The village of Gresse. When the foundation of one of the houses was being laid, a sword with a blade that glows as bright as a torch at night was found buried in the earth. It is now in the possession of a simple farmer here, who keeps it as a good luck charm, but has no actual experience with using it in battle.
008.027: The village of Kaskalar. Although it has a sizable dwarven community, it is fiercely insular and treats any outsiders as a potential threat. They have no inns and only trade for goods using barter, as they get no influx of wealth.
009.019: A tribe of goblins lives in the mountains here, living in huts built on either side of a great canyon with a maze of rope bridges spanning the gap. They are known to prey on travelers by raining down rocks and arrows at them from above.
009.023: The Abbey of the All-Seeing Eye, a convent dedicated to Seidra, the goddess of magic and prophecy. The nuns here are all capable magicians, and they are consulted to foretell the future, with some making long journeys to hear their prophecies.
009.041: This castle belongs to Lord Johann von Wurthmoor, the third son of a noble family who went to the Ukian March to obtain influence of his own. He oversees only a scattered community of farmers and woodsmen from a motte-and-bailey fort, but he is intent on expanding his reach.
010.033: The Laughing Goat, a roadside inn. Its rustic charms are perhaps not what some might be used to, but it's the only decent bed in miles. It gets its name from a taxidermied goat head hung over the hearth, an old family heirloom passed down in the innkeeper's family for generations; some have reported it laughs at night. Or are they just drunk?
011.019: The village of Medovo, a small community of shepherds that live a hardscrabble life far off the beaten path. The townspeople avoid a barrow on the outskirts of town, which they believe to be the resting place of an ancient Ukian khan - and perhaps one whose spirit lingers.
011.033: Castle Faulensiek, built on a small island in the middle of the Dena River. Its strategic location makes it a key point of defense - and its lord, Baron Hartfried Achterberg, exerts heavy tolls on passing vessels.
012.013: Within this mountain is carved the lost dwarf city of Thezafol, pillaged by orcs in a bygone age. A band of Iron Orcs have moved into the ruins and use its great forge to make their weapons and armor, though even they do not know how deep the catacombs go. The orcs are willing to reward those who return the heads of their slain compatriots at hex 013.011.
012.037: In the woods here is an old Ukian altar, now long abandoned. A DC 10 History check will determine that these altars were often used by shamans to contact the spirits (Ukians will know this automatically). A contact other plane ritual can be performed here; if so, the save against insanity is made with Advantage.
013.011: A clan of orcs and goblins lives here. They are at war with the orcs at hex 012.013; the heads of many of their warriors are displayed on pikes. They will reward anyone who brings them the head of one of their enemies.
013.025: A village of elves can be found in a glade by the side of the Myrtan River here. They are known for their knowledge of magic songs and could teach them to anyone who comes to them with an offering, but they are not welcoming of outsiders, and their village is under a spell that renders it invisible except at dawn and dusk.
014.008: The fabled dwarven city of Mezurdim. See here.
014.032: The village of Sommardau. Located in the moors, its people subside mainly on hunting and trading furs - though it is rumored that some of them are skin-changers who use enchanted pelts to assume animal shape.
015.019: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are strong drinkers; at any given time, there is a 50% chance that the guards will be too drunk to spot any intruders, and the sounds of singing can be heard from the yurts as the sun sets.
015.039: The village of Elbenwalde. Located far from civilization, its people are largely self-governing subsistence farmers, and they train themselves for battle to defend against raids by orcs or Ukians. They are distrustful of outsiders, believing they just cause problems and stick their noses into other peoples' business.
016.016: The village of Kolodez. The people here have turned to the worship of demons, and secretly conduct foul rituals on full moons to sustain their crops.
016.035: The village of Frasdorf. Although under the control of Lord Jurgen von Duerr, it is home to a nascent guild of craftsmen who are looking to expand their reach in making decisions. The Lord sees them as a threat to his reign and wishes to see them crushed, though he doesn't want to have to do the dirty work himself.
017.009: This mine is operated by a colony of Mezurdim (see hex 017.008) and trades with the city. Lately, the dwarves seem to be overcome by a strange and uncontrollable greed to dig deeper - in truth, they are digging above a long-forgotten hoard of an ancient dragon, and are consumed by dragon sickness.
017.012: A clan of Horse Orcs resides on the shores of the lake here. They trade with the Ukians at hex 019.014 and the two have pledged to aid one another in battle.
018.030: The village of Kehrburg. It was founded by outlaws given pardon in the Ukian March in exchange for settlement; today, it is regarded as a place of disreputable folk, but a good place to go if you need to hire someone who won't think twice about dirtying their hands.
018.033: A hermitess named Teresia Schouten lives here. She is regarded as a witch and the people in nearby settlements are fearful of her power, but she is willing to train those who show potential in the mystic arts.
019.006: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are hostile to outsiders and will draw swords at the first sight of intruders, hoping that this will be a good enough sign to get anyone to flee.
019.014: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are allies of the orcs at hex 017.012 and breed horses that they trade to them in exchange for protection.
019.026: The village of Mannesholt is tucked away in the deep woods here. Its people are superstitious and leave offerings for the fey folk; they know the fairies will surely bring misfortune upon them if offended.
019.035: This castle belongs to the Order of the Three Feathers, a knightly order devoted to protecting the settlers of the Ukian March against Ukians, orcs, and other threats. Their knights can often be found patroling the roads, and they require any aspirants impress them with a heroic deed of arms before they can be inducted into their ranks.
019.041: A clan of orcs makes their home here. They are led by a shaman who uses a magic bullroarer to call down storms against their enemies.
020.013: The village of Vachukintsy. After one of the townspeople offended a rulsaka living in the nearby Naumo River, the village has been under a curse that renders its inhabitants (and anyone who spends more than three days and three nights there) extremely stupid.
020.021: The village of Balegin. A wanted bandit by the name of Rurik the Red is hiding here, disguised as a leper.
021.010: This fortress was destroyed in a Ukian raid and now lies in ruins. It has since become home to a nest of giant spiders, and the corridors are choked with webs.
021.016: A Ukian clan is camped here. Their leader, Aallaz, is willing to trade with outsiders, but believes them to be fools and charges exhorbitant prices for items he knows aren't worth the cost. With his fellow Ukians, he is far more honest and agreeable.
021.028: The village of Leithenheim. It is known for its blacksmith, who is said to have elven blood and can imbue his magic into the blades he forges.
023.025: Saint Otho's Priory, a monastery devoted to Kerne that trains warrior monks. They are fierce fighters and are fervently devoted to fighting the Ukian threat; often, they roam the roads looking for fights when there are no ongoing battles.
023.032: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are allied with a band of elves living deeper in the woods, and the elves spy for them by communing with birds.
024.003: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are firm believers that Kottsen Khan is not the prophecized chosen one; although the Great Khan's followers have attempted to bring them into the fold by force of arms, they stand resolutely against them and will fight to a man to hold onto their independence.
024.007: This altar is tended to by the Ukian shaman Ranso, a long-bearded wild man who subsists on mushrooms and small animals foraged in the woods. He is often in a state of madness, roaming around aimlessly gibbering to himself, but he is still respected as a spiritual leader and consulted in such regards.
024.039: This castle belongs to Lord Cynewulf of Franzgotha, a Vardessian noble and a long-standing general in the Ukian campaigns who has seen many a battle. He is never seen without his loyal gyrfalcon - some say he knows its tongue; others say that he is married to a shapeshifter who takes its form. In reality, he's just fond of birds.
025.029: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are eager to trade with the settlers and often make expeditions to nearby villages, and their women wear gold and silver jewelry traded for in their markets. Other Ukians regard them as sellouts who are too content to let the Vardessians and their settled ways into their home.
026.011: This cave is home to a troll named Jouka the Rockspeaker. The Ukians regard him as a formidable foe and avoid his mountain home, but he is unusually clever and enjoys games of riddles. He will offer a belt of frost giant strength to anyone who beats him at such a game - but will eat them if he wins.
027.006: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are in possession of a magic harp made from the jawbone of a reindeer; playing certain songs on it can control the weather.
027.019: This altar is tended to by the Ukian shaman Sabbe. He lives a lonely life in a yurt by himself, having no apprentices and caring little for company, but will happily provide his services to those who pay him in the supplies he needs to survive - as a hermit, he has no use for money.
028.014: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are fierce warriors and often make raids on the border with Vardessy, though they will never bring harm upon a fellow Ukian.
028.036: The village of Trostelberg. Located in a remote mountain valley, its people practice peculiar rituals to placate the dwarves living in the mountains, who they believe work mischief on them. Rumor has it, though, that the dwarves know of a great buried treasure if they can be tricked into revealing it.
029.026: This altar is tended to by the Ukian shamaness Darja. She is indiscriminate in who she provides her services to, and will even provide healing spells and prophetic guidance to Vardessians, although this practice is frowned upon by local authorities, who believe it undermines their control of the March.
031.037: A village of elves can be found deep in the woods here. The elves are fiercely territorial and hostile to others, and the mangled bodies of tresspassers can be found tied to trees around their territory as a warning sign.
032.010: A village of goblins can be found in the woods here. They are scavengers who hunt rodents and steal supplies from abandoned caravans, but are too cowardly to make raids or engage their enemies directly. Their greatest scout has a ring of invisibility, which she uses to infiltrate the camps of those who rest nearby to steal their belongings in their sleep.
032.025: An old crumbling watchtower sits on a hill here, once watching over the border. Its garrison was killed in a raid - and no one has bothered to send reinforcements because a curse hangs over the site, causing the spirits of the soldiers to linger. Now, they view the living as the invaders they must stand against.
032.030: The village of Pleidelsheim. It is one of the most distant outposts of trade in the Ukian Marches, and it holds a great market where Ukians of many clans come to trade every summer. As of late, the Great Khan has been sending spies to this market to keep a close eye on his enemies.
032.033: The Monastery of the Holy Golden Crown, a monastery devoted to Voltan. The monks believe it is in Voltan's will to civilize the barbarians of Ukiah by any means necessary, and they are hostile to Ukians, orcs, and elves. They often fund expeditions to try and "spread civilization" by raiding their settlements.
033.002: A village of elves can be found here. The village sits at the foot of a hill, beneath which is said to be a gateway to the lands of Faerie, and the elves travel freely back and forth to consult with the fair folk.
033.022: A clan of orcs lives in the mountains here. They guard a narrow pass through the mountains and demand tribute in order to be let through - anyone who doesn't pay up is met with the blade of an axe.
034.020: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are well-traveled even by Ukian standards and know the locations of the campsites of many other clans, but are reluctant to give over such information to unfamiliar faces.
034.025: The ruins of a border fortress that was destroyed in a raid by orcs. It has since become the residence of the white dragon Winterfang, who laid a clutch of eggs amidst the crumbling walls. She is often out hunting, but anyone who disturbs her hoard or her eggs will surely incur her wrath.
035.015: A village of elves can be found here. They worship a massive ancient tree at the center of their grove, which stands as tall as a mountain.
035.028: A Ukian clan is camped here. They are guided by the shamaness Gola, who has led them to the Kolka River in the belief that treasure can be found at its source (see hex 036.026).
036.001: An abandoned altar sits on a mountain here. See hex 012.037.
036.026: The Kolka River is fed by a waterfall leading up to the highest peak here. If one searches the snow atop the mountains (DC 25 Investigation check), they will find a chest buried in the ground. The latch is frozen shut, but if it is thawed out, the chest contains 25,000 GP's worth of coins and other valuables, as well as a luck blade shortsword of dwarven construction.
036.037: A village of elves can be found here. They are willing to trade with outsiders, but are still highly protective of their territory and don't allow people to poke around unsupervised. They will warn travelers to avoid the elves at hex 031.037.
036.041: A village of orcs can be found here. They have recently settled the area and are in the process of uprooting trees from the forest to use their lumber. The elves of the forest (see hexes 031.037 and 036.037) do not know of their presence, but will surely take up arms in defense of the trees if they learn they are here.
037.031: The village of Utschied. As of late, there has been a series of children going missing from town, and the townsfolk have come to blame the elves living in the forests to the south.
039.027: A Ukian clan is camped here. Located close to the border between the March and Ukiah proper, they are often sought after for trade, as they know the location of a hidden pass through the mountains. There are a great many caves in this pass that they use to hide smuggled goods.
040.014: This altar is tended to by the Ukian shaman Eelljaz. His apprentice, Duomma, has begun to study dark magic and is secretly planning to overthrow him.
040.020: A Ukian clan is camped here. Its leader, Erke, claims to have seen a unicorn in the lake to the east during a previous migration (see hex 047.020).
042.006: A village of elves can be found here. They know the secret of shapeshifting and can assume the forms of animals - as well as curse their enemies into animal forms.
042.030: The village of Hundshaupten. They once traded furs down the Kolka River, but now they fear the Baron of Castle Wietzow (see hex 043.032) and refuse to travel on the river. This has caused their finances to dwindle, and they are growing desperate.
043.012: A clan of orcs lives here. They are allied to the Great Khan, and he keeps them close to provide military support - though they are only loyal to the highest bidder.
043.032: Castle Wietzow, home of Baron Albrecht von Waldesch. The reclusive Baron is a vampire who treats his subjects as disposable insects, but the incursions of the undead from hex 044.032 have caused refugees from the villages destroyed by the horde to flee to his protection nonetheless.
043.036: The village of Orscholz. It is the site of a large water mill that uses the flow of the Kolka River to grind grain - and secretly is guided by a fairy spirit, causing it to work twice as fast as normal.
043.040: The village of Untersozbach, a small fishing community on the shore of Lake Harvs. The town inn displays a fish with scales made of gold that was caught by a local years ago, and ever since then, the fishermen have been looking for another.
044.032: This place was the site of a great battle between the Vardessians and the Ukians - one that waged on for so long and spilled so much blood that the bodies of the dead sat unburied for days on end, and eventually, growing restless, rose and began attacking the living. The undead horde has roamed the plains ever since, and has already devoured several villages in the area.
045.014: The encampment of Kottsen Khan, Great Khan of Ukiah. See here.
046.021: A stone arch sits on the shores of the lake here, and is a frequent gathering place for shamans in search of visions. One who makes a long rest here has a 5% chance of spontaneously learning a new spell, appropriate to their class and level, upon waking up.
046.028: This altar is tended to by the Ukian shamaness Maija. She is a spiteful and vindictive woman who often places curses upon those who offend her.
047.018: A village of elves can be found on the shore of the lake here. They worship the lake, and regard the unicorn at hex 047.020 to be its guardian spirit - they believe a great calamity will occur if it is harmed.
047.020: A unicorn dwells on an island in the middle of the lake, occasionally swimming to shore to graze.
049.006: A village of elves can be found here. They are skilled craftsmen and can fashion magical shoes from animal hides that allow them to jump great lengths, but this is a closely guarded secret they will not share with others.
049.012: This cave is the burial place of a great khan, buried here with his treasure and the skeletons of his warriors and their horses. They will animate if the hoard is disturbed; the Khan himself carries a vorpal longsword.
053.027: A Ukian clan is camped here. A shamaness traveling with the clan has just given birth to a child she believes is the prophecized chosen one - how will the Great Khan react to the news of a potential rival?
054.014: A Ukian clan is camped here. All of its members are werewolves and raid surrounding encampments on full moons, paying no heed to if they attack their allies in this frenzy.
057.033: An abandoned altar sits on a hill here. See hex 012.037.
058.025: A Ukian clan is camped here. A skilled blacksmith capable of making enchanted weapons is among their ranks, but he will not deal with outsiders unless they can prove their valor.
060.028: This altar is tended to by the Ukian shaman Makkri. He is an enterprising alchemist who will reward those who provide him reagents for his experiments with his services.
061.001: A fortress run by the fierce Northborn Orcs guards a narrow pass here, marking the entrance to their territory. The orcs have no business for outsiders and will attack anyone unfamiliar who attempts to pass through.
061.015: A village of elves can be found here. Many of them are very old and have grown bored with their lives, and seek stories of interesting things in the surrounding areas.
062.032: A clan of orcs is settled here. They hate Ukians with a vengence due to an ancient grudge and display their heads on stakes all around their village - however, they are willing to trade with other humans.
062.042: A Ukian clan is camped here. They once grazed their animals on the steppes on the other bank of the river, but a raid from the clan at 063.041 changed that. They fear they will starve if they cannot get their animals back before the next winter.
063.003: Mount Kivola, an active volcano. The surrounding area is a wasteland of sulfuric sands and lava floes, but legend has it that a dragon's hoard was lost here long ago. The only question is, does anything guard that hoard now?
063.041: A heavily armed Ukian clan is camped here. They recently won a herd of goats and cattle in a raid against the clan at hex 062.042 and will not give them up, believing them to be the spoils of war rightfully won.
064.008: A fortress of Iron Orcs is built on a mountain here. The tunnels beneath the mountain go deep into an underground pool of magma, and they harness the heat to sustain their forges.
064.038: A Ukian clan is camped here. Their camp has been set up around a fallen meteor - if it could be transported to a blacksmith, the starmetal could be used to forge powerful weapons. The Ukians believe it merely to be a big rock, and regard any claims to the contrary with suspicion, believing that strangers are trying to drive them away.
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