Saturday, November 19, 2022

More Gods of the Lunar Lands

Following on my previous post, here are some more of the important deities in my setting. Refer to that post for general details.

Olmo is the god of the sea, and all that dwells within it. In keeping with the tempermental nature of seas and storms, he is the most tempestuous of the gods, and the quickest to anger, as well as being more likely than many to seek violent retribution for perceived wrongs. Many temples offer to Olmo in the hopes of keeping him appeased in order to ensure safe journeys by sea. His children are the merfolk, who he tends to show favor to over the earthbound.

  • Olmo's symbol is that of a crashing wave, and his associated colors are blue and green.
  • The center of Olmo's cult is a fabled city beneath the waves somewhere in the Great South Sea, which has never been glimpsed by human eyes. However, the Water-Witches of the City-State of Ziggara are said to commune with Olmo's children and impart their teachings to mortal man.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Tempest, Nature
  • Oaths: Open Sea, Ancients
  • Sacrifices: Gold, libations
Seidra is the goddess of magic and prophecy. It is she who guards the secrets of magic, sharing them only to her most trusted of mortal agents. Her orders tend to be quite esoteric and secretive and are hesitant to welcome outsiders, but for those who can secure entrance to their vaults, they possess some of the greatest archives of scrolls and spellbooks in the known world. Seidra's chosen are often granted the knowledge of the future, and many of these oracles have been sought out for guidance, though their advice is often imparted in riddles and vague warnings that one may misunderstand until it is too late.
  • Seidra's symbol is a pentacle, and her associated colors are green, white, and gold.
  • The center of Seidra's cult is Kveshenholm in Kvesland, and is tended to by an all-female order of mystics. It is led by Matriarch Dagny III.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Twilight, or use a Diviner to represent a cleric of Seidra.
  • Oaths: Ancients, Watchers
  • Sacrifices: Incense, candles, goats
Mimir is the god of knowledge - if Seidra represents knowledge over the arcane and what cannot be understood, Mimir presides over the rational world that can be understood, including history and the physical sciences. His temples often contain great libraries, and many philosophers have been trained in their halls. Those who have heard his commands describe him as being incredibly precise in his matter of speaking and using loquatious verbiage with many references to recorded facts.
  • Mimir's symbol is an equilateral triangle with an eye in the center, and his associated colors are blue and purple.
  • The center of Mimir's cult is Maltherios in Golnir. It is led by Patriarch Ourias XIV.
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Knowledge, Order
  • Oaths: Crown, Devotion
  • Sacrifices: Gold, candles, incense
Weyland is the god of craftsmen and artisans, and all trades that produce objects. Valuing hard work, dedication, and artistry, he is revered as the greatest of all smiths, and there are many magical artifacts attributed to him or his saints. He is one of the most popular deities among the dwarven holds, and many craftsman guilds pay homage to him either officially or in their titles or coats of arms; in some guilds, an item cannot be considered a masterpiece until it has been inspected by a priest of Weyland to decide it lives up to the god's standards.
  • Weyland's symbol is a hammer upon an anvil. His associated colors are grey, black, and bronze.
  • The center of Weyland's cult is Mezurdim, the largest of the dwarven cities, located in Kvesland. It is led by Patriarch Ral VI, a dwarf who claims to be old enough to have seen emperors rise and fall.
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Forge, Order
  • Oaths: Crown
  • Sacrifices: Coals and embers, which Weyland is said to use for his forge. Those that were used when forging a masterwork are preferred.
Nehalennia is the goddess of trade and commerce - Weyland oversees the production of goods, but Nehalennia governs how they are bought and sold, protecting merchants, dealers, and moneylenders either at sea or on the road from both thieves and dishonest traders. She is the patron of many trading guilds, including the Merchant Company of Karkossen, which includes the Patriarch on its council to bless their endeavors.
  • Nehalennia's symbol is a basket of loaves, and her associated colors are blue and white.
  • The center of Nehalennia's cult is the city-state of Karkossen. It is led by Patriarch Roeland I.
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Domains: Forge, Peace, Order
  • Oaths: Devotion, Open Sea
  • Sacrifices: Gold, silver, bread
Eostre is the goddess of fertility and the harvest. She makes plants grow and animals reproduce, and heralds the coming of spring and the rebirth that follows; the spring equinox is celebrated as Eostrefest with many processions, fairs, and ceremonies to mark the start of the growing season. Her monasteries often serve as working farms, where the faithful toil over the land to show their devotion to the bounties she gives them in return.
  • Eostre's symbol is a cornucopia filled with the fruits of harvest. Her associated colors are white and green, along with pastel blue and pink.
  • The center of Eostre's cult is the city of Meyhen in Vardessy. It is led by Patriarch Irnerius V.
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Life, Nature, Peace
  • Oaths: Redemption, Devotion
  • Sacrifices: The first fruits of a harvest
Lady Fate is the goddess of fate and destiny. According to legend, she was once a mortal woman who, when she was supposed to die of illness at a young age, was visited by Morthanos, but the god of death was so charmed by her beauty that he refused to collect her soul. Eventually, he married her, granting her eternal life as the weaver of all things that shall happen. Her clerics interpret her warnings and advise on what must be done, but she is reckoned to be spiteful and tempestuous, and can wreak misfortune on those she scorns - often for reasons known only to her. Yes, we blame her for bad rolls.
  • Fate's symbol is a loom, strung with threads in her sacred colors of red, green, and gold.
  • The center of Fate's cult is Kobuz in Kvesland. It is led by Patriarch Daumantus II. However, there are many covens of witches, sometimes with their members sharing a single eye or tooth between them, who claim to know Fate's whims directly and can forsee the future.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Knowledge, Order, Arcana, Grave
  • Oaths: Watchers, Vengeance
  • Sacrifices: Wheat, cattle, sheep
And lastly, one god unlike the others but worthy of mention all the same...

Reynard, the trickster god, is seen as a patron of jesters, bards, gamblers, and thieves. He is appealed to for luck, and represents chance where Fate represents what is predestined. Often, he is depicted with the head, legs, or tail of a fox, or as a fox wearing a jester's cap, but he is said to take many guises in the mortal world, working mischief against mortals and other gods for the sake of his own amusement.
  • Reynard has no established cult, no teachings, and no formal clergy (where's the fun in that?), though he has been prayed to by gamblers and the desperate. However, gambling dens are often euphemistically referred to as the temples of Reynard, and in many communities, the term "Patriarch (or Matriarch) of the Cult of Reynard" is used for a person who conducts business between a town and the Caravan People - or more surreptitiously, with thieves' guilds and criminal elements.

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