Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Encounter: The Drunken Duelist

This encounter will make the most sense on the road, or in a town, preferably late at night. It could even work in a dungeon as well.

The PCs are suddenly accosted by a young man in fine attire, drawing a rapier from his belt and pointing it in their direction. He introduces himself as Dunstan von Larstead, the scion of a respectable noble line, and a master swordsman. However, it is quite noticeable that Dunstan doesn't have his head on straight. He has the scent of wine on his breath, he slurs his speech, his clothes are disheveled, and he walks with a stumbling limp. Despite this, his bravado is unchecked. He is so drunk that he doesn't realize he is drunk - which, in fact, will prove quite problematic.

Dunstan is, in fact, not a master swordsman at all - only the bored and listless son of a noble family in the area. He has little interest in learning to manage his father's estate, and prefers to spend his time idly indulging in worldly pleasures. He swiftly gained a reputation as a drunkard and a lout, and his father sent him off to study at a nearby university in order to keep his trouble as far afield as possible. Even then, though, he shows nary a care for pursuing higher education, and spends much of his time at the taverns in town.

In his inebriation and foolishness, Dunstan has gotten it in his head that he is an undefeatable master of swordsmanship, and he intends to prove this. He will, without hesitation, issue a challenge to the most capable-looking fighter among the party, insisting on a duel. Even if his offer is declined, Dunstan will not take no for an answer. If it becomes necessary, he will incessantly taunt and insult the party to try and provoke them into starting a fight, and if that doesn't work, he will attempt to just attack his desired opponent directly. Once a fight begins, he is so absorbed in his own delusions that he will ignore whatever pain or harm comes to him and has no qualms about fighting to the death. He cannot be talked down from his furor unless cured of his drunkenness by magical means, or incapacitated until he sobers up the next morning.

The problem is, Dunstan actually knows very little about swordfighting, and when he is as drunk as he is, he poses a greater threat to himself than anyone else. He has the stats of a noble, but has Disadvantage on all his rolls to hit and any Dexterity checks or saves due to his drunken state. If the party doesn't tread carefully, he may well get himself killed picking a fight - and that presents its own problems.

Dunstan is, after all, the son of a lord. If the PCs end up killing him, it would cast great suspicion on them, and may negatively impact their standings with local authorities - if not get them arrested. And Dunstan's family certainly has the means to see to it that their son's death does not go unpunished - he might be a fool, but he is their son. Even if Dunstan does survive, if he's caught up in such a foolish escapade and word gets out, it would be an embarrassment that he and his family will do whatever possible to save face about, lest their status fall - and that could land the PCs in trouble.

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