Monday, April 25, 2022

Hello World!


When it comes to the TRPG blogosphere, I've been a long-time lurker, but it's only recently that I've decided I have insights I would like to contribute myself. So, consider this my entry into the scene!

I have been a fan of tabletop gaming for many years, ever since my childhood fascination with myths, legends, and monsters led my parents to buy me a strange little game that came in a funny box from the town bookstore.

RIP Borders

That was my introduction to what I would discover was the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons - not yet 3.5 - and with it, the world of tabletop roleplaying games. It was here that I first learned what a Dungeon Master was, and what it entailed.

The timing couldn't be better. I can't remember a time I haven't been enamored with mythology and folklore - I grew up on the classic fairy tales before moving onto the gods and heroes of ancient Greece, Might and Magic VII was a fixture of our Windows 98 desktop (and even if I barely understood how to play it and never got off the island at the start of the game, that was well enough for me to pore over the manual and maps that came with the game and imagine what might lie beyond), and I had just finished a book by the name of The Hobbit, just before The Fellowship of the Ring hit the cinemasCouple that with growing up in the Maine woods, just off a system of forest trails that I spent many hours hiking and imagining what strange creatures and hidden treasures might lie around any corner, I was already prepared to bring life to my own stories, and the worlds that they inhabited.

Not to mention having this as a view from a hill on one of those trails - and I was disappointed to learn that it was the remains of a hotel that burned down in 1914.

My love of storytelling, worldbuilding, and gaming only grew from there, guiding me through a hobby of creating my own fantasy setting I've used to set my games ever since my teen years, and keeping it alive and growing ever since. As I grew older, I found the blogs people like me set up to share their musings on gaming and game design - and now, I'm creating this blog to share my own.

This blog will primarily be a mix of lore dumps for my setting (which my players have dubbed Three Moon Land in lieu of any better name, but the Lunar Lands will work fine) and my thoughts on playing and running games. Most content will center around Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, as that's the system I work with most frequently, but by no means is it going to be exclusive. Despite my first exposure to the game being 3e, you'll find that my tastes tend to run more "old school" - you could call this an O5R blog if you wanted to, but that won't quite be fully accurate either.

Do I expect anyone else to play in my setting? Well, no, not really (although I would be flattered to know if that was the case) - but I hope that me sharing my ideas might inspire others to follow along with their own creations.

And if all else fails, I hope that everyone here can enjoy.

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